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Matching courses (showing 2130 of 85 courses for “social work”)

  1. Clinical Research MRes/PGCert

    Postgraduate taught degree

    The MRes in Clinical Research aims to develop in-depth understanding and skills for leading research in healthcare settings.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Awards: Master of Research, Postgraduate Certificate

    Course code: PSMRCR

  2. Clinical, Social and Cognitive Neuroscience MSc

    Postgraduate taught degree

    Learn how brain functions contribute to cognition, mediate social interaction, and influence mental health with our Clinical, Social and Cognitive Neuroscience MSc.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Award: Master of Science

    Course code: PSCSCN

  3. Commissioning for Health and Social Care

    Professional development course

    This master’s-level course, taught over a series of full days, provides students with key knowledge and skills in commissioning for health and social care.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Duration: 5 weeks

  4. Core Skills in Supportive and End of Life Care

    Professional development course

    This course provides an introductory underpinning for care of those with life-limiting conditions at the end of life.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences

  5. Creative Writing MFA

    Postgraduate taught degree

    Hone your creative writing with guided completion of a full-length work in your chosen genre and improve your writing career prospects.

    School: School of Communication & Creativity

    Award: Master of Fine Arts

    Course code: PSCRWF

  6. Critical Approaches in Advanced Practice

    Professional development course

    This course examines critical approaches to advanced practice in health and social care through a focus on three key themes: ethics, leadership, and teaching and learning.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Duration: 6 weeks

  7. Data, Policy and Society MSc

    Postgraduate taught degree

    Become a new kind of professional trained in the technicalities of data-centric systems and skilled in the application of effective policy-focused social research.

    School: School of Policy & Global Affairs

    Award: Master of Science

    Course code: -

  8. Diabetes Care (Level 6)

    Professional development course

    This course provides participants with the knowledge and understanding that is critical to developing the competence needed to care for diabetes patients.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Duration: 8 weeks

  9. Diabetes Care (Level 7)

    Professional development course

    This course enhances the competence of practitioners to care for diabetes patients by providing critical knowledge and understanding of diabetes practice.

    School: School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Duration: 8 weeks

  10. Digital and Social Journalism MA

    Postgraduate taught degree

    Keep up with the rapidly changing environment of digital journalism. We give you multimedia skills including audience development and data journalism.

    School: School of Communication & Creativity

    Award: Master of Arts

    Course code: PSJOUR