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  1. City’s Levistor could be a game changer for electric vehicles

    City’s Levistor could be a game changer for electric vehicles

    Developed by Professor Keith Pullen, the Levistor flywheel system has secured a £545k grant from the UK Office for Zero Emissions Vehicles, in partnership with Innovate UK.

  2. City, University of London to lead international programme to support employability and entrepreneurship for students

    British Council project will promote increased opportunities, industrialisation, and closer relationships between the UK and Sub-Saharan African universities.

    Hashtags: Announcements, impact

  3. Mergers and Acquisitions Research Centre hosts fifth Annual Conference

    Business School welcomes academics from around the world for virtual Mergers and Acquisitions conference.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. City Emeritus Professors advise lawyers for appellants in Post Office Horizon IT scandal

    City Emeritus Professors advise lawyers for appellants in Post Office Horizon IT scandal

    Professors Bev Littlewood and Martin Newby are numbered among experts who helped to overturn the presumption that computers must be assumed to work correctly unless proven otherwise.

  5. Health and longer working lives provide key to the levelling up agenda

    A new report exposes the gaps in life expectancy, health, and economic opportunity between the richest and poorest parts of England.

    Hashtags: Expert comment, research spotlight

  6. New MA Data Journalism degree to celebrate launch with two panel discussions

    New MA Data Journalism degree to celebrate launch with two panel discussions

    Data journalists from The Economist and Sky News will be among the panellists waiting to share their wisdom with those aiming to follow in their footsteps.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  7. Businesses can evolve by thinking more like anthropologists, says Dr Gillian Tett

    New ‘Food for Thought’ series opens with conversation with leading anthropologist, journalist and author.

    Hashtags: Expert comment, announcements

  8. City Law School team achieves third place in the European Human Rights Moot 2021

    City Law School team achieves third place in the European Human Rights Moot 2021

    The moot is the largest English-speaking human rights moot in the world, and is organised by the European Law Students’ Association with the Council of Europe and European Court of Human Rights.

  9. The UK wastes millions of tonnes of food every year: here’s how we can change that

    The UK wastes millions of tonnes of food every year: here’s how we can change that

    Published in the Conversation UK, a new article from City, University of London and University of Cambridge academics suggests three ways of reducing UK food waste and increasing sustainability.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. Hongkongers mourn closure of Apple Daily and fear for the future of independent journalism

    Hongkongers mourn closure of Apple Daily and fear for the future of independent journalism

    The end of Apple Daily following dramatic raids, the arrest of senior journalists and the freezing of its assets has had a chilling effect on the rest of Hong Kong’s media.

    Hashtag: Announcements