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  1. Smartphones could be changing the way we make moral decisions, says study

    The study is one of the first studies into the impact of the digital age on moral judgments.

    Hashtag: Research study

  2. Community members from London estate work with City composer on V&A Museum project

    Dr Tullis Rennie worked with residents of the Lansbury Estate in London to create a new audio-visual art installation supported by the V&A Museum.

    Hashtags: Announcements, Student success

  3. Professor Debra Salmon named as new Dean of the School of Health Sciences

    Professor Salmon is well-known in the sector for her research in public health and inequality.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. Confronting the Robots

    City academics consider the age of automation.

  5. Past empires still shape our world, academic claims in new book

    Professor Ronen Palan has co-edited a new book called Legacies of Empire: Imperial Roots of the Contemporary World Order.

    Hashtag: Research study
