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  1. Bayes Business School announced as Centre of Actuarial Excellence

    Bayes Business School announced as Centre of Actuarial Excellence

    Award by the Society of Actuaries makes Bayes one of the two institutions in the UK with the designation.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  2. Increased collaboration vital if business schools are to act decisively to counteract social and economic issues

    Increased collaboration vital if business schools are to act decisively to counteract social and economic issues

    Joint letter from researchers says more needs to be done to tackle increasing environmental concerns.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  3. The Shape of Change

    The Shape of Change

    An edited excerpt of Professor André Spicer, Dean of Bayes Business School’s Graduation speech, delivered at London’s Barbican Centre on Monday 16 January 2023.

  4. Dr Simon Hayley appointed as Associate Dean for Learning Innovation and Development

    Dr Simon Hayley appointed as Associate Dean for Learning Innovation and Development

    Senior Lecturer to lead Bayes Business School’s transformative teaching and learning.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  5. A double-edged sword: How close a spinout should remain to the parent’s market

    A double-edged sword: How close a spinout should remain to the parent’s market

    Bayes Business School study finds that employee start-ups must balance competing forces to ensure they don't fail.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  6. Bayes Business School researchers included among the top two per cent of scientists in their fields

    Bayes Business School researchers included among the top two per cent of scientists in their fields

    Stanford University-Elsevier list rates Bayes academics as leaders based on career citations.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  7. Better equipping students through communication…and Instagram: Meeting Dr Thomas Robinson, Associate Dean for Student Experience

    Better equipping students through communication…and Instagram: Meeting Dr Thomas Robinson, Associate Dean for Student Experience

    Dr Robinson will orchestrate student practices after he was appointed to the role from 1 January.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  8. What is in store for real estate in 2023?

    Real Estate Research Centre experts examine what the next 12 months could look like for the industry.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  9. Taxing electric vehicles will impact 2023 motoring trends, says operations expert

    Taxing electric vehicles will impact 2023 motoring trends, says operations expert

    World leader in operations management says the Government will seek to cash in on an increase of electric vehicle sales in the UK.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  10. How Labour’s confident use of ‘take back control’ can help re-diagnose the problems facing the UK

    How Labour’s confident use of ‘take back control’ can help re-diagnose the problems facing the UK

    Branding expert labels Sir Keir Starmer's attempt to reinvent Brexit slogan as clever way to improving relationships at home and abroad.

    Hashtag: Expert comment