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  1. Hear ye, hear ye! City takes part in News on the Street

    Hear ye, hear ye! City takes part in News on the Street

    Dr Glenda Cooper takes part in a unique live journalism event in Nottingham, called News on the Street.

    Hashtag: Research news

  2. PM Sunak calls General Election on same day UK inflation drops to 2.3%

    PM Sunak calls General Election on same day UK inflation drops to 2.3%

    PM Rishi Sunak calls General Election and inflation drops to 2.3%.

  3. City renews agreement with European Social Survey (ESS)

    City renews agreement with European Social Survey (ESS)

    City, University of London will continue to host the European Social Survey (ESS) headquarters for the 2025-29 period.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. Comments on apprenticeship levy decline

    Comments on apprenticeship levy decline

    Professor Amanda Goodall and Ruth Velenski at Bayes Business School(formerly Cass), explain the situation surrounding recent findings about UK apprenticeships.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  5. City triumphs at university awards for work in digital education

    City triumphs at university awards for work in digital education

    The UCISA awards recognised City's Learning Enhancement and Development team for its work including digital accessibility and student digital skills.

  6. Government will miss key levelling up targets on health inequalities, study warns

    Government will miss key levelling up targets on health inequalities, study warns

    Smoking andresearch warns

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  7. AI news videos perform better with a human touch, finds study

    AI news videos perform better with a human touch, finds study

    Only AI-generated news videos which have been post-edited by humans are as well liked news videos created by journalists, according to a new study led by Dr Neil Thurman of City, University of London.

    Hashtag: Research news

  8. Black barbershops in focus: a space for community and culture in Britain

    Black barbershops in focus: a space for community and culture in Britain

    Dr Karis Campion, an ethnographer, brings together writer Inua Ellams and photographer Lee Townsend for an event about the role of Black barbershops in Britain.

    Hashtags: Campus life, Research news, Research study

  9. Domestic abuse in a new immigration landscape: the challenges facing migrant-victim survivors

    Domestic abuse in a new immigration landscape: the challenges facing migrant-victim survivors

    The City Law School hosts Society of Legal Scholars funded conference on the challenges facing migrant victim-survivors of domestic abuse.

  10. City, University of London ranked in the top 40 universities in the UK

    City, University of London ranked in the top 40 universities in the UK

    City has moved up three places in the Complete University Guide (CUG) 2025.