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  1. Marking International Women’s Day

    Marking International Women’s Day

    School of Health & Psychological Sciences marks International Women’s Day with a special event

    Hashtag: Announcements

  2. Great Belt strait disruption not as potentially damaging to shipping as regional conflict, argues Bayes supply chain expert

    Great Belt strait disruption not as potentially damaging to shipping as regional conflict, argues Bayes supply chain expert

    Professor ManMohan Sodhi comments on Great Belt strait incident.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  3. Wellness is a trap

    Wellness is a trap

    Dr Stephanie Alice Baker and Daniella Isaacs discuss the pitfalls of wellness culture on women's careers for International Women's Day.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  4. Celebrating our British Council Women in STEM Master Scholars

    Celebrating our British Council Women in STEM Master Scholars

    The latest cohort of British Council Women in STEM Master Scholars was celebrated at a networking event at the School of Science & Technology.

  5. Human trafficking for the purpose of organ harvesting: strengthening the response

    Human trafficking for the purpose of organ harvesting: strengthening the response

    Conference organised by The City Law School and School of Communication & Creativity in collaboration with the Metropolitan Police Service.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. Bayes Innovate 2024: Entrepreneurship in the AI age

    Bayes Innovate 2024: Entrepreneurship in the AI age

    The sixth annual Bayes Innovate conference explored entrepreneurship in the age of artificial intelligence

    Hashtag: Impact

  7. Islington schoolchildren report on the cost-of-living crisis, new teachers and numbers day for News Club

    Islington schoolchildren report on the cost-of-living crisis, new teachers and numbers day for News Club

    News Club returns with six Islington primary schools, thanks to Professor Emerita Lis Howell and the Widening Participation team.

    Hashtag: City Global Goals

  8. Cuts in social spending are psychologically damaging

    Cuts in social spending are psychologically damaging

    Study has also revealed that nearly half of citizens in Western Europe now report high levels of worry, but that social spending acts to reduce citizens’ worries about the future.

    Hashtag: Research study

  9. Vision science expert awarded leading colour science award

    Vision science expert awarded leading colour science award

    Professor John Barbur has been awarded the Newton Medal for his exceptional contributions to the field of colour science

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. City researchers part of £3.5m mental health research hub

    City researchers part of £3.5m mental health research hub

    New hub aims to improve diagnosis, treatment and support for people experiencing severe mental illness

    Hashtag: Announcements