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  1. City, University of London to lead major new research consortium on violence, health and society

    City, University of London to lead major new research consortium on violence, health and society

    Funded with a £7 million UKPRP grant, the five-year data analysis project aims to reduce harms caused by violence.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  2. Better healthcare management can reduce the risk of delirium, a common hospital complication among older adults

    New research outlines how those admitted on Sunday and Tuesday are more likely to develop delirium, a hospital complication.

    Hashtags: Expert comment, research spotlight

  3. Revisiting Enlightened Shareholder Value and Corporate Social Responsibility

    Revisiting Enlightened Shareholder Value and Corporate Social Responsibility

    In her new book, The City Law School’s Dr Taskin Iqbal analyses the impact of the concept of Enlightened Shareholder Value on Corporate Social Responsibility and explores the scope for reform.

  4. Longer stays in refugee camps increase cases of acute mental illness

    New research shows serious effects of time spent in Moria refugee camp on mental health deterioration.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  5. Armand Isufaj receives competitive space sector internship

    Armand Isufaj receives competitive space sector internship

    The MEng (Electrical Engineering) student is currently working with Radtest Ltd on a placement made possible by the UK Satellite Applications Catapult.

  6. City, University of London awarded grant to progress innovation plans across Europe

    The Museum of Entrepreneurship will share resources with partners as part of scheme to inspire present and future innovators

    Hashtags: Announcements, impact

  7. Regulating the ‘tech trust’ within the context of antitrust policy

    Regulating the ‘tech trust’ within the context of antitrust policy

    Dr Nicholas Nicoli of the University of Nicosia and City’s Professor Petros Iosifidis, write on the limitations of using antitrust policy to curb the power of the ‘tech trust’.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  8. How Putin’s champagne label law could spark a trademark dispute with France

    How Putin’s champagne label law could spark a trademark dispute with France

    The City Law School’s Dr Enrico Bonadio and Alicante University's Magali Contardi comment on an action which has attracted harsh criticism from French champagne producers.

  9. City students take part in first ever CubeSat competition

    City students take part in first ever CubeSat competition

    The ambitious competition is supported by the London Space Innovation Centre.

  10. London Space Innovation Centre ventures into its first professional development short course

    London Space Innovation Centre ventures into its first professional development short course

    City’s new inter-disciplinary research centre educates participants in Space Launch and Operations Management.