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  1. Financial Times European Business Schools ranking places Bayes as third best in London

    Latest rankings list also has Bayes as the 23rd best in Europe and 6th best in the UK among leading Business Schools

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  2. City Endocrinology Nurse receives Special Recognition Award from the ESE

    City Endocrinology Nurse receives Special Recognition Award from the ESE

    City, University of London Endocrinology Nurse receives Special Recognition Award from the European Society for Endocrinology (ESE)

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  3. Addressing inequality and barriers for BAME students in postgraduate education

    Addressing inequality and barriers for BAME students in postgraduate education

    City partners with UCL and social mobility charity for new In2research programme.

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  4. Shell’s withdrawal from North Sea oil field is “completely in line with its strategy”

    Professor Michael Tamvakis comments on Shell’s announcement that it is to end involvement in the controversial Cambo oil field.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  5. Second Edition of key text on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights launched in The City Law School

    Second Edition of key text on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights launched in The City Law School

    'The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: A Commentary' (Hart Publishing) is the first commentary on the Charter in English.

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  6. Evolving dark web markets: How to face the threat of ‘ungoverned spaces’

    Economic and scientific experts discuss the evolution of dark web markets, in a webinar hosted by Bayes Business School

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  7. Significant differences still persist in protecting gamblers

    Significant differences still persist in protecting gamblers

    The City Law School’s Dr Margaret Carran has carried out a follow-up study regarding online consumer protection offered to gamblers across EU Member States.

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  8. Westpac misconduct shows banking compliance measures are not working

    Bayes banking expert comments on Australian banking giant’s governance breaches and subsequent penalty.

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  9. Rising house prices are contributing to increasing inequalities in the UK, say academic experts

    Bayes academics believe location and supply are key short-term drivers for those wanting to buy homes, as new data reveals surge in prices.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  10. The euro is plunging – and probably won’t bounce back soon

    The euro is plunging – and probably won’t bounce back soon

    Professor Keith Pilbeam, Professor of Economics at City, University of London, assesses the euro's recent woes and forecasts why the immediate outlook is not looking good.