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  1. Increased resilience, retention and quality – key outcomes of My Home Life England programmes

    Increased resilience, retention and quality – key outcomes of My Home Life England programmes

    New report reveals that participation in My Home Life England programmes has significant impact for care leaders.

  2. Bayes Professor wins international recognition for book on the power of expertise

    Bayes Professor wins international recognition for book on the power of expertise

    Professor of Leadership wins prestigious award for her book Credible.

    Hashtags: Expert comment, announcements

  3. Ban single-use plastic and collaborate more: Sustainability Society relaunches with new goals

    Ban single-use plastic and collaborate more: Sustainability Society relaunches with new goals

    City Sustainability Society Co-Presidents Danielle Arbeiter and Ananya Pahwa share their vision for the upcoming year.

    Hashtag: Campus life

  4. City joins government-funded doctoral training partnership for the social sciences

    City joins government-funded doctoral training partnership for the social sciences

    The Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC) awards Doctoral Training Partnership to City and seven other partner institutions.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  5. Matthew Perry: the power of celebrities speaking publicly about their addiction

    Matthew Perry: the power of celebrities speaking publicly about their addiction

    Paula Corcoran, Senior Lecturer in Health Psychology, shares her insight writing in The Conversation.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. Men less likely than women to share negative information, says study

    Men less likely than women to share negative information, says study

    Researchers suggest the effect could be due to a greater concern among men over how other people will see them

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  7. City President honoured with Underground station on ‘Engineering Icons’ Tube map

    City President honoured with Underground station on ‘Engineering Icons’ Tube map

    Professor Sir Anthony Finkelstein recognised alongside engineering icons past and present on National Engineering Day.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  8. Celebrating Black Futures Month at City, University of London

    Celebrating Black Futures Month at City, University of London

    City, University of London celebrates Black joy and excellence through events, talks, and culture during Black Futures Month in October.

    Hashtag: Campus life

  9. City ranks highly in Times Higher Education World Rankings 2024

    City ranks highly in Times Higher Education World Rankings 2024

    City, University of London ranked highly in multiple subject areas in the Times Higher Education (THE) World Rankings 2024.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. Storm Babet: how can the UK build better insurance resilience?

    Storm Babet: how can the UK build better insurance resilience?

    Bayes Senior Lecturer in Management calls for better integration of insurance into the UK’s resilience landscape in the wake of Storm Babet and further Met Office warnings.

    Hashtag: Expert comment