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  1. New bursary to support overseas International Journalism MA students

    New bursary to support overseas International Journalism MA students

    Richard Beeston Trust to financially assist postgraduate journalism studies.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  2. Sustainable City Hackathon prize winners cook up social enterprise idea to support night-time workers in Islington

    Sustainable City Hackathon prize winners cook up social enterprise idea to support night-time workers in Islington

    City students win £1,500 prizes and entrepreneurship support for their Islington-based social enterprises as part of the Sustainable City Hackathon.

    Hashtags: Campus life, City Global Goals

  3. Celebrating International Women’s Day at the School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Celebrating International Women’s Day at the School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    City's School of Health & Psychological Sciences held a panel event for its staff and students to discuss issues of bias, stereotype and discrimination that women face.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. Slowing down to speed up - next-generation mindfulness training in military teams

    Slowing down to speed up - next-generation mindfulness training in military teams

    City’s Dr Jutta Tobias Mortlock delivers a talk on her cutting-edge research at the interface of individual and team mindfulness at the ‘Mental Health: Working in the System’ conference.

    Hashtag: Research news

  5. City Cross-School collaboration to address the exclusion of people with disabilities from data visualisation

    City Cross-School collaboration to address the exclusion of people with disabilities from data visualisation

    The project will address the issue of the exclusion of people with disabilities from data visualisation.

    Hashtag: Research study

  6. School of Science and Technology delegation visits several universities in India

    School of Science and Technology delegation visits several universities in India

    The visits cover possibilities for increased research and mobility for academics and students.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  7. Trump indictment is “political theatre” that “distracts from far-right threats to American democracy”

    Trump indictment is “political theatre” that “distracts from far-right threats to American democracy”

    Professor Inderjeet Parmar comments on charges of fraud brought against former US President Donald Trump.

    Hashtag: Research news

  8. Students march to career success in the School of Science & Technology

    Students march to career success in the School of Science & Technology

    Students from City, University of London's School of Science and Technology take part in careers and employability events throughout March in 'March for Success' campaign.

  9. Keeping pace with debris in space

    Keeping pace with debris in space

    Miguel-Ricardo Nkegbe, researching for his PhD in The City Law School, explores the possibilities for reducing space junk.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. “We all belong in the City community”: City launches the Office for Institutional Equity and Inclusion

    “We all belong in the City community”: City launches the Office for Institutional Equity and Inclusion

    City launches its Office for Institutional Equity and Inclusion, placing EDI at the heart of its strategy.