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  1. Business leaders offer behind-the-scenes look at City working in first day of MBA London Symposium

    Students attend first virtual version of the popular elective with themes including change, tech and inclusive leadership.

    Hashtags: Expert comment, announcements

  2. Orchestra performs 16-year-old Music student’s piece

    Orchestra performs 16-year-old Music student’s piece

    Thomas Boulousis, from Greece, is a violinist, pianist and already a composer of solo, chamber, symphonic and film music works.

  3. Baromorphing: playing the piano on the trailing edge of an aerofoil

    Baromorphing: playing the piano on the trailing edge of an aerofoil

    City MEng student Alecsandra Court’s Final Year project demonstrates the future of variable morphing wing designs.

  4. City ranked as a green university in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2021

    City ranked as a green university in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2021

    City, University of London features in the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Ranking 2021.

    Hashtag: City Global Goals

  5. The Business School (formerly Cass) to be renamed Bayes Business School

    City, University of London's Business School will be known as ‘Bayes Business School’.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. City named as a digital leader

    City named as a digital leader

    City ranked as a top for university for providing digital education and tech teaching.

  7. Staying mindful during a pandemic

    Staying mindful during a pandemic

    City’, University of London's Centre for Excellence in Mindfulness Research (CEMR) is expanding its offering of free, online mindfulness sessions, delivered regularly throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

  8. City joins forces with Engineers Without Borders UK

    City joins forces with Engineers Without Borders UK

    The strategic university partnership is aimed at embedding global and social responsibility into education and student experience.

  9. Slowing down can prevent premature burnout of ‘McDonaldised’ companies and staff

    A new report, co-authored by Professor André Spicer, explains that management that is more thoughtful and less flashy' will benefit businesses in the long-term

    Hashtags: Expert comment, research spotlight

  10. Consumers will pay more for crowdfunded products to boost equality in marketplace

    New study of consumer behaviour finds crowdfunded products have psychological impact on purchasing practices.

    Hashtags: Expert comment, research spotlight