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  1. Jimmy Savile: how the Netflix documentary fails to address the role institutions play in abuse

    Jimmy Savile: how the Netflix documentary fails to address the role institutions play in abuse

    To date, few institutions have been brought to justice for enabling, covering up or failing properly to investigate what Jimmy Savile did.

  2. Local and regional elections 2022 - who’s partying now?

    Local and regional elections 2022 - who’s partying now?

    The City Law School’s Dr John Stanton says the results of the recent elections offer much food for thought.

    Hashtag: Research news

  3. Office of Product Safety and Standards publishes report on 2050: Fridge of the Future conference

    Office of Product Safety and Standards publishes report on 2050: Fridge of the Future conference

    New report documents discussion around the present and future challenges in Large Domestic Appliance usage and design.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. Why the Solicitors Qualifying Exam (SQE) needs to be integrated into an academic programme so students reach their potential

    Why the Solicitors Qualifying Exam (SQE) needs to be integrated into an academic programme so students reach their potential

    The City Law School’s Professor Hungerford-Welch explains the importance of skills and knowledge beyond the SQE curriculum.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  5. Supporting primary care improvements for patients with long term conditions

    Supporting primary care improvements for patients with long term conditions

    Report from City, University of London's Centre for Healthcare Innovation Research suggests that a primary care framework for six long term conditions may improve workforce capacity and patient care.

    Hashtag: Research news

  6. How collaborative working across the globe is increasing innovation and creativity

    How collaborative working across the globe is increasing innovation and creativity

    Bayes Business School centres showcase breadth of innovative and creative collaborations across the globe to celebrate World Creativity and Innovation Week.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  7. Healthcare and business: How medical trends are evolving following the pandemic

    Healthcare and business: How medical trends are evolving following the pandemic

    Bayes Business School welcomes experts from the worlds of medicine, pharmaceuticals, vaccines and technology.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  8. Research paper co-authored by City’s Dr Martin Nyx Brain wins Best Tool Paper Award at the European Joint Conference on the Theory & Practice of Software (ETAPS)

    Research paper co-authored by City’s Dr Martin Nyx Brain wins Best Tool Paper Award at the European Joint Conference on the Theory & Practice of Software (ETAPS)

    The paper describes cvc5, a software verification tool and automated theorem prover.

    Hashtags: Announcements, Research news, Research study

  9. What helps or hinders new mothers’ access to mental health assessment and treatment?

    What helps or hinders new mothers’ access to mental health assessment and treatment?

    New study led by City, University of London provides recommendations to health services and government on how to help pregnant women and new mothers with psychological and emotional difficulties

    Hashtag: Research news

  10. Research reveals new record year of loan origination for lenders across the UK

    Bayes UK Commercial Real Estate year-end report shows full market recovery in lending activity for 2021.

    Hashtags: Expert comment, research spotlight