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  1. Expert panel discuss the future of reporting in China

    Expert panel discuss the future of reporting in China

    City’s Department of Journalism hosted a fascinating panel discussion featuring several leading journalists specialising in reporting China.

  2. City data scientist analyses evolution of COVID-19 dark web marketplaces before the vaccine

    In new research, Dr Andrea Baronchelli and colleagues highlight the importance of the continuous monitoring of dark web marketplaces (DWMs).

    Hashtags: Coronavirus, Research study

  3. City student speaks of pride after giving the covid-19 vaccination

    City student speaks of pride after giving the covid-19 vaccination

    Lucy Major (MSs Speech and Language Therapy) reflects on her ‘emotional’ experience of administering the Covid-19 vaccination

    Hashtag: Student success

  4. Students celebrate at online graduation ceremonies

    Students celebrate at online graduation ceremonies

    Students from City, University of London’s postgraduate and research courses celebrated at their online graduation ceremonies

  5. Making technology more gender-inclusive

    Dr Simone Stumpf, a Senior Lecturer in SMCSE’s Centre for Human-Computer Interaction Design (HCID), leads a webinar on the GenderMag method in collaboration with Oregon State University.

  6. Dr Jonatan Echebarria Fernández says trade to EU and UK affected by coronavirus outbreak in China

    The City Law School academic says it is unlikely that trade flows between Chinese, EU and UK ports will return to previous levels any time soon.

    Hashtag: Coronavirus

  7. New study suggests link between problem gambling and suicidality in young adults in Great Britain

    New study suggests link between problem gambling and suicidality in young adults in Great Britain

    New study from City, University of London and the University of Glasgow suggests that both young men and women are at increased risk of suicidality if they engage in problem gambling.

    Hashtag: Research study

  8. Giant firms have a hidden borrowing advantage that has helped keep them on top for decades – new research

    Giant firms have a hidden borrowing advantage that has helped keep them on top for decades – new research

    The post-COVID 19 world is likely to resemble the pre-COVID 19 one, only with more market turmoil because of the precarious position of smaller companies, more concentration, and even less investment.

  9. World economy in 2021: here’s who will win and who will lose

    World economy in 2021: here’s who will win and who will lose

    With Covid-19 crippling world economies to varying extents, here's how the recovery will look in different parts of the globe.

  10. Can your Christmas dinner help save the planet?

    Can your Christmas dinner help save the planet?

    Research led by Dr Christian Reynolds, City, University of London, suggests our methods of cooking can have a major effect on the environment

    Hashtag: Research study