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  1. City academics collaborate on children’s book and music project

    Professor Laudan Nooshin’s idea has spawned a multidisciplinary work that will engage children and raise awareness of Iranian culture.

  2. Rugby tackling mental health

    Rugby tackling mental health

    Ed Armitage, (LLB Law) and captain of City's Men's Rugby Team tells his story and why how sport can help students experiencing mental health problems at university.

  3. Winners of Research and Enterprise awards announced

    Academics were recognised in the Images of Research and Enterprise Showcase competitions.

  4. Top TV editors and MPs praise impact of City research into gender imbalance

    The 2018 Women on Air conference at City, University of London brought together leading media industry figures, journalists and MPs to discuss the representation of women in the news.

  5. Cass academic's research examines the 'oppressive myth' of work

    Meet Professor Peter Fleming.

  6. City students meet world-famous NBA teams

    City students meet world-famous NBA teams

    City, University of London welcomed the Boston Celtics and the Philadelphia 76ers who are preparing for their NBA London Global Game at the O2 Arena on Thursday 11th January.

    Hashtag: Campus life

  7. Investment Strategy: A bird’s eye view

    New report from Cass and DCIF gives a snapshot view of the investment strategies that trust-based DC schemes are pursuing.

    Hashtag: Research study

  8. Researchers discuss latest schizophrenia research at City

    Talks discussed topics as varied as genetics, long-term implications for the brain and the role of novelty in the disease.

    Hashtag: Research study

  9. Europeans reveal views on climate change in latest round of the European Social Survey

    The European Social Survey (ESS) has published the first edition of data from its Round 8.

    Hashtag: Research study

  10. Images used to educate public about leading cause of blindness not realistic, says study

    The researchers found that the image commonly used to represent a condition called age-related macular degeneration (AMD) did not provide a realistic representation of people’s experiences.

    Hashtag: Research study