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Matching stories (showing 110 of 487 stories)

  1. Narcissism: why it’s less obvious in women than in men – but can be just as dangerous

    Narcissism: why it’s less obvious in women than in men – but can be just as dangerous

    Dr Ava Green writes in The Conversation about how narcissism manifests itself differently in women

    Hashtag: Announcements

  2. Labour plans to ban the sale of energy drinks to under-16s – but it doesn’t go far enough

    Labour plans to ban the sale of energy drinks to under-16s – but it doesn’t go far enough

    Professor Christina Vogel writes in The Conversation about the Labour Party's plan to ban energy drinks for under-16s

    Hashtag: Announcements

  3. Online gambling ‘self-exclusion standards’ project seeks broader industry input

    Online gambling ‘self-exclusion standards’ project seeks broader industry input

    Led by The City Law School’s Dr Margaret Carran the Casino Guru funded work launches final phase.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. Food policy expert comments on Labour’s energy drink ban for under-16s

    Food policy expert comments on Labour’s energy drink ban for under-16s

    Professor Christina Vogel from the Centre for Food Policy comments on the announcement

    Hashtag: Announcements

  5. Why Nigel Farage spent his first campaign speech complaining that young people don’t know about D-Day

    Why Nigel Farage spent his first campaign speech complaining that young people don’t know about D-Day

    Dr Francesco Rigoli writes in The Conversation about Nigel Farage's speech and how the theme of national decline appeals to those on the right

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. Politics as theatre: City podcast counts down to the 2024 General Election

    Politics as theatre: City podcast counts down to the 2024 General Election

    Experts from City's School of Policy & Global Affairs launch analysis podcast ahead of the 2024 General Election.

    Hashtags: Announcements, Research news

  7. New programme to improve NHS stroke care for communication-impaired patients

    New programme to improve NHS stroke care for communication-impaired patients

    Led by academics at the University of Sheffield and City, University of London, the COM-STAR research programme aims to understand the key communication training needs of NHS stroke care staff

    Hashtag: Announcements

  8. “A thinktank for our times”: City launches the Finsbury Institute

    “A thinktank for our times”: City launches the Finsbury Institute

    City launches the Finsbury Institute (a research centre aimed at translating research into policy) with the conference 'Polycrisis Interrogated'.

    Hashtags: Announcements, Research news

  9. Crabb Lab receives prestigious US NIH funding for glaucoma study

    Crabb Lab receives prestigious US NIH funding for glaucoma study

    Project will provide important new information on the impact of different patterns and severities of visual field loss on quality of life

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. Look after your Creative Health: THE WRITE TRAIL festival makes its way to Ealing in May

    Look after your Creative Health: THE WRITE TRAIL festival makes its way to Ealing in May

    Dr Poonam Madar of City, University of London organises ACE-funded monthlong literary festival in Ealing to support the creative health of the community, called THE WRITE TRAIL..

    Hashtag: Announcements