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  1. The City Law School hosts the 13th Annual London Universities Maritime Law and Policy Postgraduate Research Conference

    The City Law School hosts the 13th Annual London Universities Maritime Law and Policy Postgraduate Research Conference

    The event permits postgraduate researchers and practitioners of Maritime Law to share their work in a friendly and supportive environment.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  2. Dominic Raab resigns: City experts comment on bullying, professionalism and what it means for parliamentary standards

    Dominic Raab resigns: City experts comment on bullying, professionalism and what it means for parliamentary standards

    City, University of London experts discuss Deputy Prime Minister’s departure following publication of the Tolley Report.

    Hashtag: Research study

  3. Leading by example: City publishes its annual Global Goals report

    Leading by example: City publishes its annual Global Goals report

    City addresses the UN Sustainable Development Goals through research, education and engagement.

    Hashtag: City Global Goals

  4. CitySpark competition awards £25,000 to student and alumni entrepreneurs

    CitySpark competition awards £25,000 to student and alumni entrepreneurs

    Five winning teams begin their entrepreneurship journey with £5,000 funding and entrepreneurship support with the City Launch Lab.

    Hashtag: Campus life

  5. A sporting chance for a longer life

    A sporting chance for a longer life

    A new report from the UK's specialist think tank on longevity, funded by Bayes Business School, finds that top-level sports people can live over five years longer than the rest of the population.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  6. The City Law School achieves Athena SWAN Bronze Award

    The City Law School achieves Athena SWAN Bronze Award

    Four City, University of London’s Schools have now received Athena SWAN awards.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  7. New MSc in Financial Technology and Systems in September 2023

    New MSc in Financial Technology and Systems in September 2023

    The new course will offer students in-depth technical knowledge about the building blocks of fintech at a system level.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  8. Academics comment as Bank of England considers overhaul of deposit guarantee scheme

    Academics comment as Bank of England considers overhaul of deposit guarantee scheme

    Following media reports that the Bank of England is considering a major overhaul of its deposit guarantee scheme, academics from Bayes Business School have offered the following comments

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  9. The Retained EU Law Bill and an uncertain future for health

    The Retained EU Law Bill and an uncertain future for health

    Professor Tamara Hervey and co-author Mark Dayan say the proposed legislation is not the way to make effective policy decisions ‘to deliver the NHS that the UK wants’.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. Income rank linked to experience of physical pain, irrespective of whether in a rich or poor country, study suggests

    Income rank linked to experience of physical pain, irrespective of whether in a rich or poor country, study suggests

    New study from Dr Lucía Macchia suggests that comparing one’s earnings relative to peers may induce negative emotions that lead to physical pain.

    Hashtag: Research study