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  1. Lynne Townley elected Bencher of the Middle Temple

    Lynne Townley elected Bencher of the Middle Temple

    The Masters of the Bench are responsible for the governance of the Inn and are elected by their peers.

  2. Crabb Lab awarded grant to investigate the use of new treatments for advanced retinal disease

    Crabb Lab awarded grant to investigate the use of new treatments for advanced retinal disease

    Research from City, University of London investigates patient acceptability of treatments that could potentially slow down the advanced stages of dry age-related macular degeneration.

    Hashtag: Research study

  3. Shortlisted for THE award: Global collaboration investigating language support after brain injury

    Shortlisted for THE award: Global collaboration investigating language support after brain injury

    The Collaboration of Aphasia Trialists (CATs) has been shortlisted for the award of International Collaboration of the Year at the Times Higher Education (THE) Awards 2022.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. Professors Qingwei Ma and Shiqiang Yan contribute to award-winning research

    Professors Qingwei Ma and Shiqiang Yan contribute to award-winning research

    Their research paper, the third best overall, wins the 2022 Baker Medal, awarded by the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE).

    Hashtag: Announcements

  5. Lack of proficiency and credibility make Liz Truss’ failure as Prime Minister unsurprising

    Lack of proficiency and credibility make Liz Truss’ failure as Prime Minister unsurprising

    Bayes Leadership expert comments on how a lack of experts in top positions were key in the failure of her premiership.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  6. Lenders continue pursuit of new business through turbulent start to 2022

    Lenders continue pursuit of new business through turbulent start to 2022

    Bayes bi-annual real estate report shows lenders were still seeking new business in the first half of 2022.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  7. Local support could be key to growing UK businesses post pandemic, new research finds

    Local support could be key to growing UK businesses post pandemic, new research finds

    Nine-year study finds that turning spaces into places gives industries greater purpose to local people.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  8. City hosts first post-pandemic London Triangle seminar

    City hosts first post-pandemic London Triangle seminar

    Two outstanding speakers discuss their work: Professor Juan Maldacena and Dr Irene Valenzuela.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  9. City new partner at the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at The Royal Marsden

    City new partner at the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at The Royal Marsden

    The Royal Marsden and ICR renew their Biomedical Research Centre status, and welcome City, University of London and the Clatterbridge Cancer Centre as two additional partners.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. Emergency budget announcement: expert reaction to new UK chancellor’s attempt to calm financial markets

    Emergency budget announcement: expert reaction to new UK chancellor’s attempt to calm financial markets

    Despite buying some time, the fate of this government is still in the hands of the markets, says City's Honorary Research Fellow Professor Steve Schifferes.