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  1. A glittering visit: City builds business and education links with India

    A glittering visit: City builds business and education links with India

    Dr Sionade Robinson represented City during a mission to build business and education links with India, the fifth largest world economy

    Hashtag: City Global Goals

  2. CityCLAC announces exciting new partnerships

    CityCLAC announces exciting new partnerships

    The expansion of The City Law School’s flagship, award-winning City Community Legal Advice Centre continues.

  3. Smoking ban not enough to achieve Government’s healthy life expectancy target, says study

    Smoking ban not enough to achieve Government’s healthy life expectancy target, says study

    Paper finds that smoking remains a major cause of health inequalities in England

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  4. This is City 2023 – the University’s annual magazine is now available to read

    This is City 2023 – the University’s annual magazine is now available to read

    City launches the 2023 edition of its annual magazine, This Is City, with the theme community.

    Hashtag: Campus life

  5. City formalises twinning agreement with Ukrainian university

    City formalises twinning agreement with Ukrainian university

    City partners with Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University as part of collaboration support scheme.

  6. Shop theft has been building for years – here’s how to tackle retail crime and keep workers safe

    Shop theft has been building for years – here’s how to tackle retail crime and keep workers safe

    Professor Emmeline Taylor writes for The Conversation about how retailers can curb rising levels of organised crime.

  7. European real estate market facing toughest year post Global Financial Crisis

    Report finds that financing activities are currently advancing at subdued levels, accompanied by elevated loan costs

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  8. Supply chain papers named among most influential of the past 30 years

    Supply chain papers named among most influential of the past 30 years

    Studies included in Production and Operations Management's list of top 150 most influential studies

    Hashtag: Announcements

  9. City retains Silver award for very high quality student experience and outcomes

    City retains Silver award for very high quality student experience and outcomes

    The Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) 2023 awarded City, University of London Silver overall and Gold for the student outcomes aspect.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. Knowledge Exchange Framework: City scores highly in the 2023 results

    Knowledge Exchange Framework: City scores highly in the 2023 results

    City’s business focus reflected in the Knowledge Exchange Framework 2023 results with high scores in metrics related to IP and commercialisation, research partnerships and working with businesses

    Hashtag: Announcements