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  1. Bayes experts grace the stage at CogX

    Bayes experts grace the stage at CogX

    Panellists discuss some of the pressing issues affecting work and learning at the world's biggest festival of AI and transformational tech

    Hashtag: Announcements

  2. Can electric fields in the brain tune its activity and sculpt its structure?

    Can electric fields in the brain tune its activity and sculpt its structure?

    Academics propose that electric fields generated by the nerve cells of the brain may be able to alter its molecular infrastructure.

    Hashtag: Research news

  3. City hosts 13th International Conference on Compressors and their Systems

    City hosts 13th International Conference on Compressors and their Systems

    The 2023 edition is part of a series of biennial conferences starting in 1999 from a collaboration between City and the Fluid Machinery Group of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE).

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. City’s Professor Nabil Aouf leads on the NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme’s SAPIENCE drone (AI based) competition project

    City’s Professor Nabil Aouf leads on the NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme’s SAPIENCE drone (AI based) competition project

    Academics, Researchers and Postgraduate science and technology students from four countries on the €1.2m project will develop pioneering solutions for disaster relief using multi-agent drone systems.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  5. Bayes wins major grant funding for national clean maritime research hub

    Bayes wins major grant funding for national clean maritime research hub

    School celebrates share of £7.4m grant from EPSRC and DfT

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. City’s School of Science and Technology grants awards to four outstanding alumni

    City’s School of Science and Technology grants awards to four outstanding alumni

    The second edition of the City STEM Alumni Awards takes place in the Oliver Thompson Lecture Theatre with a keynote address delivered by Vice Admiral Duncan Potts.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  7. Preventing art fraud: meet microplacement law student Shamara Blaize interning at Wedlake Bell

    Preventing art fraud: meet microplacement law student Shamara Blaize interning at Wedlake Bell

    Second-year LLB Law student Shamara Blaize does a microplacement at law firm Wedlake Bell

    Hashtags: Campus life, Student success

  8. Stretching the truth: New research reveals negative effects of exaggerative political statements

    Stretching the truth: New research reveals negative effects of exaggerative political statements

    Study shows how invalid arguments can harm the reputation of politicians and the credibility of their policies.

  9. Inside the Oslo accords: a new podcast series marks 30 years since Israel-Palestine secret peace negotiations

    Inside the Oslo accords: a new podcast series marks 30 years since Israel-Palestine secret peace negotiations

    Professor Amnon Aran and Dr James Rodgers introduce their new podcast mini-series for The Conversation, in which they reflect on 30 years since the Oslo Accords.

  10. Riad Ibadulla excels as part of victorious ‘Team Redux’ in three-day Generative AI Hackathon

    Riad Ibadulla excels as part of victorious ‘Team Redux’ in three-day Generative AI Hackathon

    The City PhD student works with Number 10 Downing Street civil servants to modernise a ministerial ‘Red Box’ using a large language model (LLM).

    Hashtag: Student success