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  1. Student matches personality and money to reach top 100 innovative wealth management companies

    New App has taken Behavioural Finance Limited to the next level, with cracking America the next big target.

    Hashtags: Announcements, graduate success

  2. Rapid delivery grocery apps have flourished during the pandemic – but will they permanently change how we shop?

    Dr Janina Steinmetz writes for The Conversation about the future prospects of rapid food delivery services in a post-pandemic world, and how it may depend on consumers willingness to change their habits.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  3. Four make it to the top in Senior Moot Final

    Four make it to the top in Senior Moot Final

    Constance Gillespie, Alessio Campagnino, Nick Leah, and Alicia Lawson take top spots in the annual City Law School mooting competition.

  4. China must address institutional reform to sustain high quality growth

    Professor of International Finance comments on China's growth strategy and how it could help its economic recovery from the pandemic.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  5. City criminologist partners with Avon and Somerset Constabulary to transform police responses to rape

    City criminologist partners with Avon and Somerset Constabulary to transform police responses to rape

    Dr Katrin Hohl collaborated with Avon and Somerset Constabulary in a groundbreaking research project which will transform the way police respond to rape and sexual assault cases.

    Hashtag: Research study

  6. City researcher is joint winner of the 2020 Reinhold Baer Prize

    City researcher is joint winner of the 2020 Reinhold Baer Prize

    Dr Florian Eisele, a post-doctoral researcher in the Department of Mathematics, has won the prestigious award for his work in representation theory.

  7. Amazon’s move for MGM likely to open floodgates for streaming-studio alliances

    Professor at the Business School (formerly Cass) explains how the multi-billion dollar purchase of MGM by Amazon could lead to a seismic shift in how we consume media in and out of the cinema

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  8. New White Paper: Customers’ needs must be put first if financial services firms are to regain lost trust

    New report calls on financial regulator to overhaul system to ensure more transparency for consumers, who feel current processes are not fit for purpose.

    Hashtags: Expert comment, research spotlight

  9. Top-level sportsmen may live 13 per cent longer than the average man

    New think tank report finds elite cricketers, golfers, rugby union and tennis players live longer, although footballers are more likely to live shorter lives than 90 years ago.

    Hashtags: Expert comment, research spotlight

  10. City Summer Sounds promises a summer of great music

    City Summer Sounds promises a summer of great music

    The annual festival City Summer Sounds returns, celebrating the community of undergraduate and postgraduate students, staff, resident ensembles, performers and composers at City, University of London.

    Hashtag: Announcements