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  1. Prone to abandoning New Year’s resolutions? Bayes’ research suggests blaming money worries rather than being time-poor

    Prone to abandoning New Year’s resolutions? Bayes’ research suggests blaming money worries rather than being time-poor

    Bayes research finds people are more likely to accept ‘lack of money’ than ‘lack of time’ as credible excuse for breaking New Year’s resolutions

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  2. What we learnt from Bayes Business School research in 2023

    What we learnt from Bayes Business School research in 2023

    A look back at some of the top research from Bayes academics and partners over the last 12 months.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  3. Politicians and journalists: the best of enemies

    Politicians and journalists: the best of enemies

    Leading journalist Dorothy Byrne (former Head of News and Current Affairs at Channel 4) delivers James Cameron Memorial Lecture at City’s Department of Journalism.

    Hashtags: Campus life, Student success

  4. The City Law School students invited to Parliament to discuss the targeting of religious minorities in India

    The City Law School students invited to Parliament to discuss the targeting of religious minorities in India

    International Criminal Law module students invited to UK Parliament.

    Hashtag: Student success

  5. Bayes expert gives cautious welcome to sustainable investment labels

    Bayes expert gives cautious welcome to sustainable investment labels

    UK financial regulator's sustainable labelling scheme will help us invest sustainably but won't end greenwashing says Professor Jean-Pascal Gond

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  6. School of Health & Psychological Sciences achieves Athena Swan Bronze Award renewal

    School of Health & Psychological Sciences achieves Athena Swan Bronze Award renewal

    The Award recognises the School’s commitment to gender equality

  7. Exploring advances in abdominal ultrasound with industry partners

    Exploring advances in abdominal ultrasound with industry partners

    Event provides attendees with the latest information on ultrasound imaging technology and techniques

  8. Farmers impoverished by climate change make 'lose-lose' choices

    Farmers impoverished by climate change make 'lose-lose' choices

    Farmers already hit by climate change faced with a choice of their families ‘starving today’ or going thirsty tomorrow, choose to feed their families today.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  9. COP28: We need a reality check on hopes for carbon capture and removal

    COP28: We need a reality check on hopes for carbon capture and removal

    Carbon capture and storage and reforestation are not silver bullets on climate change

  10. Research uncovers the power of narrative in selling “unconventional” products

    Research uncovers the power of narrative in selling “unconventional” products

    Study by Bayes Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation identifies how sellers of unique items can broaden their appeal.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight