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  1. Dynamic inconsistency

    Dynamic inconsistency

    Professor Michael Ben-Gad, Professor of Economics in City’s Department of Economics, comments on the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement.

  2. Autumn Statement 2022: City experts have their say

    Autumn Statement 2022: City experts have their say

    City academics comment on plans set out by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in his 2022 Autumn Statement.

  3. Green Shipping: IMO Ambitions and the Need for Pluralistic Governance Solutions

    Green Shipping: IMO Ambitions and the Need for Pluralistic Governance Solutions

    Following her oral submission to South Africa’s Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Transport, The City Law School’s Dr Pia Rebelo shares her thoughts.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. New  Report on European Perinatal Health

    New Report on European Perinatal Health

    New report shares core indicators of the health and care of pregnant women and babies in Europe from 2015 to 2019.

    Hashtag: Research news

  5. Why COP27 should be the last of these pointless corporate love-ins

    Why COP27 should be the last of these pointless corporate love-ins

    Professor Bobby Banerjee, who is attending COP27, on why he will not be attending any future editions of the conference.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  6. Corporate duty waivers limit organic company growth and innovation, according to research

    Corporate duty waivers limit organic company growth and innovation, according to research

    New study co-authored by Bayes shows the effects of reducing fiduciary responsibilities of company managers.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  7. City’s School of Science and Technology confers awards on three outstanding alumni

    City’s School of Science and Technology confers awards on three outstanding alumni

    Inaugural City STEM Alumni Awards ceremony takes place in Northampton Square Pavilion.

    Hashtag: brand new

  8. Researching the future of compressors and expanders in energy systems

    Researching the future of compressors and expanders in energy systems

    City’s industry partners and guest researchers from Technical University Dortmund present their findings.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  9. City collaborates with Engineers Without Borders UK on 2022 Engineering Hackathon

    City collaborates with Engineers Without Borders UK on 2022 Engineering Hackathon

    Exploring the theme ‘Engineering 2050 for Good’, student engineers come up with innovative and sustainable projects.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. Dr Maria Tomas-Rodriguez wins Second Prize at 2022 International Photography Awards

    Dr Maria Tomas-Rodriguez wins Second Prize at 2022 International Photography Awards

    Her winning photo is titled ‘Beach Wrestling’, shot at M’Bour beach in Senegal.

    Hashtag: Announcements