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  1. How claims of ‘consensual rough sex’ hide abuse and coercive control from courts

    How claims of ‘consensual rough sex’ hide abuse and coercive control from courts

    The law must make space for the recognition that rough sex in abusive relationships is an insidious and profoundly harmful form of coercive control.

    Hashtag: Research news

  2. Writing history: 30 years on, a former Moscow correspondent reflects on the end of the USSR

    Writing history: 30 years on, a former Moscow correspondent reflects on the end of the USSR

    By Dr James Rodgers, Department of Journalism, City, University of London.

  3. Bayes experts helping to make financial advice more affordable

    Business School analytics experts work with Fintuity to develop modelling for its new Virtual Financial Adviser app.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. Dr Marc Mimler receives a joint award from the European Communities Trade Mark Association

    Dr Marc Mimler receives a joint award from the European Communities Trade Mark Association

    With Queen Mary University of London’s Professor Uma Suthersanen, he has co-authored a prize-winning research paper on EU IP law.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  5. “Moderate” interest rate rise is the most sensible approach

    Professor Vasso Ioannidou comments on the Bank of England's decision to raise interest rates.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  6. Starter for ten

    Starter for ten

    Anthony Finkelstein, President, City, University of London will take part in a new series of the Christmas special edition of University Challenge.

  7. Marks & Spencer suing ‘blatant copycat’ Aldi over Christmas gin could lead to boom in sales for both, comments marketing professor

    Bayes Business School academic believes retailers must continue to strive for unique designs in packed market space.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  8. Exploring alternative futures through design fiction

    Exploring alternative futures through design fiction

    City MSc Human-Computer Interaction student, James Kay, demonstrates plausible possibilities for emerging technologies.

    Hashtags: Announcements, Research study, Student success

  9. NatWest fine demonstrates ‘significant problem’ for banks

    Bank misconduct expert comments on NatWest's £264m fine for failing anti-money laundering regulations.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  10. 16-country study shows how news shapes governments’ humanitarian aid

    16-country study shows how news shapes governments’ humanitarian aid

    A new study shows that media coverage of crises can increase governments’ allocation of emergency humanitarian aid — whether or not the crisis merits it.