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  1. Right-wing social media benefited from high-profile suspensions on mainstream platforms

    Right-wing social media benefited from high-profile suspensions on mainstream platforms

    Alt-tech platforms play a key role in facilitating far-right political discussion. New research from City shows how they’ve been aided by the banning of leading alt-right voices elsewhere.

  2. Digital education and leadership: City scoops up awards at the Association for Learning Technology ceremony

    Digital education and leadership: City scoops up awards at the Association for Learning Technology ceremony

    The Digital Education team recognised for its work including digital accessibility and learning design and hybrid transformation.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  3. Exploring the past for a more equitable future

    Exploring the past for a more equitable future

    Inaugural Craft Lecture examines Capital, Slavery and Corporate Responsibility'

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. Doing better: Towards more effective and humane scholarship

    Doing better: Towards more effective and humane scholarship

    Professor Hans Frankort reflected on his career, and the path towards more effective and humane scholarship, in his inaugural lecture

    Hashtag: Announcements

  5. Ahead of the World Cup final, what can organisations learn from successful rugby teams?

    Ahead of the World Cup final, what can organisations learn from successful rugby teams?

    Bayes Business School Dean and Professor of Organisational Behaviour reveals five key traits that are common to both successful rugby teams and business operations.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  6. City Cares: Supporting students who are carers, estranged or care leavers through university

    City Cares: Supporting students who are carers, estranged or care leavers through university

    City, University of London provides bursaries, pastoral support and advice to vulnerable groups of students.

    Hashtags: Campus life, City Global Goals

  7. Improving vulnerable consumers' access to legal services

    Improving vulnerable consumers' access to legal services

    Study with the Solicitors Regulation Authority provides a series of consumer insights that could improve the way legal services are configured

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  8. You May Never See Us Again: the untold tale of the Barclay brothers

    You May Never See Us Again: the untold tale of the Barclay brothers

    Bayes hosts Professor of Financial Journalism’s new book launch with fireside chat.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  9. City partners with King’s College London and others to develop the UK's first MedTech company builder

    City is part of a partnership to secure £1.5m from Research England to develop a fully supported acceleration programme that will translate medical devices to commercial success and clinical impact.

    Hashtag: Research news

  10. City academic nominated for Ivors Classical Award

    City academic nominated for Ivors Classical Award

    Dr Newton Armstrong has been nominated in the Best Small Chamber Composition category for his work The Book of the Sediments.