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  1. Journalism student and BLM protest organiser talks UK racism and what needs to change

    Journalism student and BLM protest organiser talks UK racism and what needs to change

    First year journalism student, Malaika Gangooly discusses racism in the UK and how she has organised Black Lives Matter protests in her home town of Chelmsford.

  2. Professor ManMohan S. Sodhi listed as one of the leading operations management professors in the world

    Prestigious international honour for Cass Professor in Operations and Supply Chain Management.

  3. Rising violence against store workers during pandemic

    Media advisory from Dr Emmeline Taylor, Reader in Criminology at City, University of London.

  4. Professor Muttukrishnan Rajarajan says revamped UK COVID-19 contact tracing app shows importance of working with tech giants

    City’s Director of the Institute for Cyber Security says Apple and Google can assist the UK Government to address the challenges around collecting personal data.

  5. Professor David Collins gives oral evidence before Parliamentary Committee

    The City Law School Professor of International Economic Law gives evidence to the House of Commons’ International Trade Committee.

  6. Professor Jo Wood co-authors data visualisation study of London's bike hire scheme

    By comparing daily use with that expected between January 6th and March 1st 2020 (“anomaly” calculated with signed chi score), they were able to capture effect of COVID-19 crisis on movement patterns.

  7. The New Negotiation

    Negotiation expert Natalie Reynolds delivers online masterclass for Cass Global Women’s Leadership Programme.

  8. Professor of Strategy earns prestigious Italian national honour

    Professor Gianvito Lanzolla awarded prestigious Cavaliere dell’Ordine della Stella D’Italia for his role in fostering friendly relations between the UK and Italy.

  9. New study predicts first wave of UK Covid-19 cases to reach zero by August

    A new study from Dr Giulia Faggio, Senior Lecturer in Ecocnomics predicts that the first wave of Covid-19 cases in England will drop to zero in late July or early August.

  10. Remote working is not the same for financial traders – here’s why

    Dr Daniel Beunza, Associate Professor of Management at Cass co-writes for The Conversation about how trading floors have lost effectiveness with the current pandemic.