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  1. City welcomes British Council Women in STEM scholars

    City welcomes British Council Women in STEM scholars

    Scholars from India and Bangladesh are currently studying for MSc courses in the School of Science & Technology.

  2. Non-fungible tokens: can we predict the price they’ll sell for?

    Non-fungible tokens: can we predict the price they’ll sell for?

    Earlier this year, a digital artwork sold for $70 million. Turing Institute researchers, including City’s Dr Andrea Baronchelli, are trying to find out what factors determine the price of an NFT.

  3. Just a game?

    Just a game?

    Research from City, University of London finds no evidence that violence increases after a new video game is released

    Hashtag: Research study

  4. COP26@City: A statement from City’s presidents

    COP26@City: A statement from City’s presidents

    The City community commits to reducing our environmental impact and responding to the global climate challenge.

    Hashtag: Campus life

  5. Museums must be creative and inspirational to build better future, says Imperial War Museum’s Diane Lees

    Director-General of IWM spoke about creating global citizens at the inaugural Portal Trust Lecture at Bayes Business School.

    Hashtags: Expert comment, announcements, impact

  6. Adopting models of the past pave a path to a brighter future for all at business schools

    Bayes Business School academics argue for the institution to use foundations to build back confidence.

    Hashtags: Expert comment, research spotlight

  7. City hosts webinar exploring role of AI in healthcare

    City hosts webinar exploring role of AI in healthcare

    The webinar brings together 120 AI experts in medical imaging and healthcare practitioners discussing the potential of AI technology in supporting clinicians.

  8. City students visit the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU)

    City students visit the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU)

    Students from The City Law School taking the ‘The EU in the Global Legal Order’ module are given a virtual tour of the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg.

  9. Playing the markets: students learn about trading techniques in live simulation

    Bayes students enhanced their market trading techniques and put their instincts to the test in a game against peers.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. How businesses can start to be part of the solution, and not the problem, when facing the climate crisis

    Bayes experts discuss the crucial role of business when tackling climate change in Mobilising business to tackle the climate emergency: Prospects and perils'.

    Hashtag: Expert comment