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  1. Education and shared values are key to an integrated nation, comms  and diversity supremo declares

    Education and shared values are key to an integrated nation, comms and diversity supremo declares

    Colleen Harris sets out a personal vision for promoting integrated communities in an increasinglydiverse Britain

    Hashtag: Impact

  2. Bayes expert explains Vietnamese billionaire fraud case

    Bayes expert explains Vietnamese billionaire fraud case

    Professor Anh Tran reacts to the female businessowner sentenced to death for defrauding a Vietnam bank for £35bn.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  3. Bayes’ Insurance MSc wins international recognition

    Bayes’ Insurance MSc wins international recognition

    Bayes recognised as a Global Centre of Insurance Excellence for MSc in Insurance and Risk Management

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. Insidious and potentially lethal - the strange rise of organisational parasites

    Insidious and potentially lethal - the strange rise of organisational parasites

    'Institutional parasites'find

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  5. Great Belt strait disruption not as potentially damaging to shipping as regional conflict, argues Bayes supply chain expert

    Great Belt strait disruption not as potentially damaging to shipping as regional conflict, argues Bayes supply chain expert

    Professor ManMohan Sodhi comments on Great Belt strait incident.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  6. Wellness is a trap

    Wellness is a trap

    Dr Stephanie Alice Baker and Daniella Isaacs discuss the pitfalls of wellness culture on women's careers for International Women's Day.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  7. Bayes Innovate 2024: Entrepreneurship in the AI age

    Bayes Innovate 2024: Entrepreneurship in the AI age

    The sixth annual Bayes Innovate conference explored entrepreneurship in the age of artificial intelligence

    Hashtag: Impact

  8. Companies reluctant to pay extra to confirm suppliers’ sustainability claims

    Paper raises questions about possible virtue signalling and greenwashing by companies who do not want to fund third party verification or blockchains'

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  9. Rt. Hon. Rachel Reeves MP delivers the 2024 Mais Lecture at Bayes Business School

    Rt. Hon. Rachel Reeves MP delivers the 2024 Mais Lecture at Bayes Business School

    Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer sets out three pillars of domestic growth to the City’s banking and finance community.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. Centre for Creativity enabled by AI wins prestigious design award

    Centre for Creativity enabled by AI wins prestigious design award

    Bayes research centre scoops industry prize for innovative creative thinking tool.

    Hashtag: Announcements