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  1. City hosts winter 2024 graduations at the Barbican Centre

    City hosts winter 2024 graduations at the Barbican Centre

    3,000 City, University of London students graduate across four days of ceremonies at the Barbican Centre in January 2024.

    Hashtag: Campus life

  2. Supporting doctors to lead the NHS into a brighter future

    Supporting doctors to lead the NHS into a brighter future

    Alumni, students and health leaders meet at annual medical leadership course reception

    Hashtag: Announcements

  3. Sharing experiences of living with disabilities

    Sharing experiences of living with disabilities

    EDI event explored people’s experiences of living with different disabilities, as well as what can be done to improve access and support at City

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. City academic honoured with prestigious ultrasound prize

    City academic honoured with prestigious ultrasound prize

    Emily Skelton receives the Champion of the Year award from the British Medical Ultrasound Society

    Hashtag: Announcements

  5. Bonnier Books UK CEO Perminder Mann appointed Honorary Visiting Professor for Publishing Studies at City, University of London

    Bonnier Books UK CEO Perminder Mann appointed Honorary Visiting Professor for Publishing Studies at City, University of London

    Bonnier Books UK and City, University of London, today announce the appointment of Perminder Mann to the role of Honorary Visiting Professor for Publishing Studies.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. New Year Honours list 2024 recognises four members of the City community

    New Year Honours list 2024 recognises four members of the City community

    Members of the City community recognised in New Year Honours

    Hashtag: Announcements

  7. Five real estate trends to look out for in 2024

    Five real estate trends to look out for in 2024

    Bayes Business School experts assess the current state of play and give their predictions for the year ahead in the real estate sector.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  8. City, University of London launches storytelling initiative to promote inclusivity and challenge stigma

    City, University of London launches storytelling initiative to promote inclusivity and challenge stigma

    “Embracing difference can add colour and dimensions to life in a way you may never have expected…”

    Hashtag: Announcements

  9. "Boeing needs to get real: the 737 Max should probably be scrapped"

    "Boeing needs to get real: the 737 Max should probably be scrapped"

    Manmohan Sodhi, Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management at Bayes Business School writes for The Conversation about Airbus and Boeing's current supply predicament.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  10. Uncovering the cultural and musical legacy of Polish refugees in Iran

    Uncovering the cultural and musical legacy of Polish refugees in Iran

    Professor Laudan Nooshin awarded Major Research Fellowship from the Leverhulme Trust to conduct study on the musical and cultural lives of Polish refugees in Iran during World War 2 and beyond.

    Hashtags: Announcements, Research news