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  1. City alumnus's photograph included in National Portrait Gallery exhibition

    City alumnus's photograph included in National Portrait Gallery exhibition

    A photograph taken by City alumnus featured in an online National Portrait Gallery exhibition

  2. Protecting problem gamblers in digital spaces

    Protecting problem gamblers in digital spaces

    City, University of London's Pinotsis Lab awarded £330,000 to tackle the effects of problem gambling and addictive behaviours.

    Hashtag: Research study

  3. Early birth linked to greater risk of hospital visits during childhood

    Early birth linked to greater risk of hospital visits during childhood

    New study in the BMJ indicates that gestational age at birth is a strong predictor of ill health throughout childhood. Authored by academics from the University of Oxford, City, University of London

    Hashtag: Research study

  4. Men feel happy if they earn more than their wives, study shows

    Men feel happy if they earn more than their wives, study shows

    New research by City, University of London sociologist Dr Vanessa Gash indicates that men feel happy if they earn more than their wives and are also unhappy if their wives earn more.

  5. City academic to publish lockdown poetry book

    City academic to publish lockdown poetry book

    Dr Jonathan Gibbs’ poem, Spring Journal, was written on Twitter during the first Covid-19 lockdown.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. Educating young people on knife crime

    Educating young people on knife crime

    City, University of London Nursing graduate, Ana Waddington, named nurse of the year by the RCNi for her work teaching young people lifesaving skills.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  7. Award-winning pianist, Professor Joanna MacGregor CBE, gives lecture on the importance of collaboration in young musicians

    Award-winning pianist, Professor Joanna MacGregor CBE, gives lecture on the importance of collaboration in young musicians

    Celebrated musician, Professor Joanna MacGregor CBE, delivers lecture at City, University of London explaining the importance of collaboration in young musicians.

  8. Involving service users in the Birth Timing Study

    Involving service users in the Birth Timing Study

    The Birth Timing Study adopts a tiered approach to public involvement and engagement, helping to ensure social legitimacy, and public relevance.

    Hashtag: Research study

  9. 'Reversed brain' link to lower social and communication abilities in children

    'Reversed brain' link to lower social and communication abilities in children

    New study from City, University of London and Birkbeck, University of London, suggests many children with autism have their brain organisation "flipped" compared to those with typical development.

    Hashtag: Research study

  10. Trafficking of people in Europe disproportionately affects women and only three per cent of the total costs is spent on specialised support for victims, study finds

    Trafficking of people in Europe disproportionately affects women and only three per cent of the total costs is spent on specialised support for victims, study finds

    A new study finds that the total health, social and economic costs associated with the trafficking of women are almost three times greater than that for men