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  1. Tory manifesto: 'foggy' tax cuts and 'punitive' immigration policy

    Tory manifesto: 'foggy' tax cuts and 'punitive' immigration policy

    City experts analyse the Conservative manifesto ahead of the 2024 General Election.

    Hashtag: Research study

  2. Food policy expert comments on Labour’s energy drink ban for under-16s

    Food policy expert comments on Labour’s energy drink ban for under-16s

    Professor Christina Vogel from the Centre for Food Policy comments on the announcement

    Hashtag: Announcements

  3. Using snail mail to prioritise cataract surgery waiting lists

    Using snail mail to prioritise cataract surgery waiting lists

    Research by academics in Optometry & Visual Sciences shows how mailed eye tests can help prioritise patients who need cataract surgery

    Hashtag: Research study

  4. Protestant Work Ethic may drive a liking for ‘natural’ healthcare, study finds

    Protestant Work Ethic may drive a liking for ‘natural’ healthcare, study finds

    People who strongly embrace values such as self-relianceand hard work show a preference for 'natural' healthcare - ranging from childbirth choices to upset stomach meds

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  5. Unravelling the gendered undertones of narcissism

    Unravelling the gendered undertones of narcissism

    New research from City, University of London and the University of Southampton uncovered significant gender differences in narcissism and its influence on partner violence and bullying behaviour

    Hashtag: Research news

  6. Moving for Mental Health Awareness Week

    Moving for Mental Health Awareness Week

    Hybrid event hosted a variety of different speakers who shared their experiences and research in relation to mental health and mindful movement

    Hashtag: Campus life

  7. Report identifies range of challenges with implementation of Midwifery Continuity of Carer

    Report identifies range of challenges with implementation of Midwifery Continuity of Carer

    Independent evaluation report led by researchers from City, University of London has examined the Midwifery Continuity of Carer (MCoC) model used in the NHS

    Hashtag: Research news

  8. How Sunak came up with disputed Labour tax figures – and what’s wrong with them

    How Sunak came up with disputed Labour tax figures – and what’s wrong with them

    Professor Steve Schifferes writes in The Conversation about the first televised debate between Sunak and Starmer and the prime minister’s claims on Labour’s tax plans.

  9. Uncovering London’s hidden history: Slavery and the City

    Uncovering London’s hidden history: Slavery and the City

    Dr Peter Grant led a guided tour through the City of London, stopping at sites with historical links to the transatlantic slave trade

  10. Bayes lecture explores open banking and credit access

    Bayes lecture explores open banking and credit access

    Professor Puri explains how open banking is boosting access to credit for financially excluded

    Hashtag: Expert comment