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  1. ‘Working with Words’ opens up career possibilities for English students

    ‘Working with Words’ opens up career possibilities for English students

    Careers-focused module boosts BA English students’ employability at City.

  2. Dr Alex Taylor contributes to new book on data and physical design

    Dr Alex Taylor contributes to new book on data and physical design

    The book is titled Making with Data: Physical Design and Craft in a Data-driven World.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  3. Professor Andrew Choo conferred a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences

    Professor Andrew Choo conferred a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences

    The Professor of Law in The City Law School has been recognised for his contribution to social science.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. Gemma Kenyon, Director of Careers & Employability, appointed to AGCAS Board

    Gemma Kenyon, Director of Careers & Employability, appointed to AGCAS Board

    City’s successful Careers Activation Programme serves aseers-focused strategy serves as employability case study for the Higher Education sector.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  5. Radiographer Dr Christina Malamateniou named City’s Extraordinary Woman for 2023

    Radiographer Dr Christina Malamateniou named City’s Extraordinary Woman for 2023

    Dr Christina Malamateniou recognised by the City community for her outstanding contributions to radiography.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. City to host first ever sustainable hackathon

    City to host first ever sustainable hackathon

    City, University of London is set to host its first ever Sustainable City Hackathon, as part of an initiative to choose six delegates for the SoapBox SDG Challenge held in the Netherlands.

  7. Almost 40 per cent of adults are economically inactive: How governments are ignoring the UK’s human potential

    Almost 40 per cent of adults are economically inactive: How governments are ignoring the UK’s human potential

    New research highlights the impact of long-term illness, skills gap and a lack of workers on the UK labour market.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  8. ChatGPT, black boxes and information dissemination

    ChatGPT, black boxes and information dissemination

    City, University of London’s Professor Artur Garcez explores some of the drawbacks of the technology.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  9. American man developed an Irish accent after getting prostate cancer – foreign accent syndrome explained

    American man developed an Irish accent after getting prostate cancer – foreign accent syndrome explained

    Jo Verhoeven, Professor of Experimental Phonetics at City and Stefanie Keulen, Assistant Professor at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, explain foreign accent syndrome.

    Hashtag: Research news

  10. Celebrating early career researcher success at the Crabb Lab

    Celebrating early career researcher success at the Crabb Lab

    Josie Evans, specialist optometrist at Moorfields Eye Hospital, and Research Fellow, Dr Bethany Higgins, share how City’s Crabb Lab has supported their careers in research.

    Hashtag: Student success