All documents (showing 110 of 69 documents)

  1. Accessibility statement - City website

    Accessibility statement and guidance for the City, University of London website.

  2. Accessibility statements for student digital services at City

    Accessibility statements for digital services provided to students at City, University of London.

  3. Admissions complaints and appeals policy and procedure

    City, University of London's admissions complaints and appeals policy and procedure.

  4. Admissions policy

    This policy outlines the admissions process and practice across undergraduate and postgraduate taught programmes at City, University of London.

  5. Alumni Events – Information and Guidance

    Information and guidance for attendees to City, University of London Alumni Events.

  6. Chair's Action

    This policy provides guidelines on Chair’s action which might take place outside of formal Senate Research Ethics Committee meetings.

  7. Charity information

    City, University of London's charitable status.

  8. City, University of London Ordinances

    The Ordinances set out, in detail, the rules for the conduct of City, University of London's business.

  9. City, University of London Senate regulations

    Senate Regulations are the rules which apply to students of City, University of London. This guide details what each regulation is for, should students need to refer to them during their studies.

  10. Claims for the re-imbursement of expenditure by Council members

    Guidance for expense claims for members of City, University of London's Council.