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Matching stories (showing 471480 of 482 stories for “Social Sciences”)

  1. Design for engine reliability

    One of the world's largest manufacturers of aircraft engines has received a boost to its business performance and the confidence of its engines.

  2. Deviations in segmented cladding fibre

    Research by Professor Aziz Rahman and Dr Arti Agrawal of City's Photonics Modelling Group in School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences.

  3. City students support the fight against knife crime in the capital

    City students support the fight against knife crime in the capital

    Two of City’s nursing students are teaching first-aid classes to young Londoners most at risk of experiencing youth violence.

    Hashtag: Student success

  4. Dr Martin White awarded prestigious Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship

    The Fellowship will support Dr White’s ongoing research in to waste-heat recovery systems.

  5. Art-inspired engineering: From Leonardo da Vinci and Günther Uecker’s nail pins

    Art-inspired engineering: From Leonardo da Vinci and Günther Uecker’s nail pins to micro-pillar sensors.

  6. Europeans reveal views on climate change in latest round of the European Social Survey

    The European Social Survey (ESS) has published the first edition of data from its Round 8.

    Hashtag: Research study

  7. Images used to educate public about leading cause of blindness not realistic, says study

    The researchers found that the image commonly used to represent a condition called age-related macular degeneration (AMD) did not provide a realistic representation of people’s experiences.

    Hashtag: Research study

  8. Predicting vision loss in diabetes

    Paper shows that the location of early lesions is predictive of whether or not diabetics will later develop a vision-threatening condition.

    Hashtag: Research study

  9. Clearer communication by GPs could speed up cancer diagnosis

    Research with cancer patients indicates that small changes to how doctors conclude consultations could help to improve both survival rates and efficiency.

    Hashtag: Research study

  10. Social support for young unaccompanied refugees will help positive integration, says study

    Refugees interviewed emphasised the importance of social support as a means for hope and escape from distress.

    Hashtag: Research study