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  1. The Professions’ Summit - Leading through uncertainty to clarity

    The Professions’ Summit - Leading through uncertainty to clarity

    One hundred leaders of professional organisations and the academics who study them came to Bayes Business School to discuss the complex interplay of issues currently facing the professions

    Hashtag: Announcements

  2. Operation Soteria expanded following early success in greatly improving responses to rape and sexual offences

    Operation Soteria expanded following early success in greatly improving responses to rape and sexual offences

    City-led programme to improve responses to rape and serious sexual offences to be widened out across England and Wales.

  3. City hosts conference focussing on collaborations to reduce crime and antisocial behaviour

    City hosts conference focussing on collaborations to reduce crime and antisocial behaviour

    Business Crime Reduction Partnerships conference brings together government, police and industry bodies to discuss crime prevention measures.

  4. From The Conversation: Death in Jenin - Israel’s biggest attack in the West Bank in 20 years is down to Netanyahu’s political weakness

    From The Conversation: Death in Jenin - Israel’s biggest attack in the West Bank in 20 years is down to Netanyahu’s political weakness

    Dr Leonie Fleischmann writes for The Conversation in the aftermath of Israel's major military operation in the West Bank.

  5. Centre for Creativity enabled by AI and Oxentia win UKRI funding to accelerate high-growth companies

    Centre for Creativity enabled by AI and Oxentia win UKRI funding to accelerate high-growth companies

    Project aims to test the feasibility of Business Sparks, a new interactive digital tool aimed at cutting the time it takes to develop business strategies and advice for clients

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. Professor Elaine Fahey launches new book: ‘The EU as a Global Digital Actor: Institutionalising Global Data Protection, Trade, and Cybersecurity’

    Professor Elaine Fahey launches new book: ‘The EU as a Global Digital Actor: Institutionalising Global Data Protection, Trade, and Cybersecurity’

    Judge Damjan Kukovec of the General Court of the EU formally launches the book at The City Law School.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  7. Bayes academic wins best investment management award for paper

    Bayes academic wins best investment management award for paper

    Professor Vasso Ioannidou awarded Best Paper Award for her paper on defined-benefit US corporate pension plans at the 2023 WFA conference

    Hashtag: Announcements

  8. School of Health & Psychological Sciences wins funding from London Higher 2023/24

    School of Health & Psychological Sciences wins funding from London Higher 2023/24

    City awarded London Higher grant for expanding the “Interprofessional Reflective Practice Project” (IRPP).

    Hashtag: Research news

  9. Thames Water trouble no surprise, says Bayes academic

    Thames Water trouble no surprise, says Bayes academic

    A much more stringent system of regulation must replace OFWAT if the privatisation model is to be retained, says Professor Hugh Willmott

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  10. City, University of London divests from fossil fuel producers

    University’s announcement in line with its commitment to sustainable and ethical investments.

    Hashtag: City Global Goals