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  1. Politics and Law: Impunity and the rule of law

    City's joint initiative aims to end impunity for those responsible for acts of violence against journalists.

  2. Santander Universities funding helps support City students

    City receives an additional £25,000 of Santander funding to support students during the Covid-19 pandemic.

  3. High-tech support helps people hold onto their independence

    The UK's growing and rapidly ageing population is placing additional pressures on our health and social care system.

  4. Improving the lives of children with communication difficulties

    Language and communication disorders affect about 7% of children, affecting their social and educational development and their future lives.

  5. Industry puts pressure on government to curb UK pensions regulation

    Pinsent Masons, the Cass Pensions Institute and Pendragon have responded to the Work and Pensions Select Committee Call for the simplification of pensions law.

  6. Ultra Long-Haul: An Emerging Business Model in the Post-COVID-19 Era

    The current crisis should send a signal to airlines to phase out older and larger aircraft in their fleets and acquire newer ones with long-range capabilities and lower cabin density.

    Hashtag: Coronavirus

  7. What impact is Covid-19 having on global fintech?

    Cass lecturer explains the challenges and opportunities that the pandemic poses to online lending and payment platforms.

    Hashtag: Coronavirus

  8. Cass study solves financial market mystery

    New research by Cass Business School has helped solve an investment puzzle that has baffled City traders and academics for years.

  9. Building confidence in a computerized world

    City University researchers are helping protect critical facilities where the failure of computer systems could result in death, injury, financial loss and damage to the environment.

  10. Better population data: striving for greater accuracy

    Research by City University academics has helped councils across the UK measure populations more accurately, saving money and improving people's standard of living.