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  1. Villorthan Sunthareswaran presents research at 23rd International Conference on Composites Materials (ICCM)

    Villorthan Sunthareswaran presents research at 23rd International Conference on Composites Materials (ICCM)

    The ICCM is the premier international conference in the field of composite materials.

    Hashtag: Student success

  2. Is the US banking crisis over?

    Is the US banking crisis over?

    Alexandros Skouralis, from Bayes Business School, and George Kladakis, from Edinburgh Napier University, discuss whether the crisis is really over in The Conversation

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  3. Income is more protective against pain in more equal countries

    Income is more protective against pain in more equal countries

    Study co-authored by Dr Lucía Macchia, Department of Psychology, has ramifications for countries’ pain reduction policies.

    Hashtag: Research study

  4. Supporting nurses and midwives in public health careers at the School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Supporting nurses and midwives in public health careers at the School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    The school holds its annual conference for students on the Public Health (District Nursing, Health Visiting or School Nursing) MSc/PGDip/Bsc(Hons)/GDip Postgraduate taught degree.

    Hashtag: Research news

  5. City academics announced as joint chairs of the Collaboration of Aphasia Trialists

    City academics announced as joint chairs of the Collaboration of Aphasia Trialists

    The Collaboration of Aphasia Trialists (CATs) announces the joint-appointment of Professor Madeline Cruice and Professor Lucy Dipper to the role of CATs Chair.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. From The Conversation: Tory MP's historic family links to slavery raise questions about Britain's position on reparations

    From The Conversation: Tory MP's historic family links to slavery raise questions about Britain's position on reparations

    Dr Paul Lashmar writes for The Conversation in response to a recent report calculating that the UK owes up to £18.6 trillion in reparations for the transatlantic slave trade.

  7. UK ranked as the top investment destination in Europe by M&A Attractiveness Index Score

    UK ranked as the top investment destination in Europe by M&A Attractiveness Index Score

    Despite Brexit headwinds, research from Bayes Business School shows that the UK remains an attractive investment proposition

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  8. Turbulent times leading middle classes to embrace digital nomadism and reject traditional aspirations

    Turbulent times leading middle classes to embrace digital nomadism and reject traditional aspirations

    Paper is the first piece of work to capture this paradoxical shift in what feels secure vs what feels risky and burdensome in consumers' lifestyle choices and consumption behaviours

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  9. Central banks say interest rates will stay high but it’s unclear if this will be enough to curb inflation

    Central banks say interest rates will stay high but it’s unclear if this will be enough to curb inflation

    Professor Steve Schifferes writes for The Conversation about the success of high interest rates on bringing down inflation.

  10. New research sheds light on how gender inequality in the media industry impacts job satisfaction

    New research sheds light on how gender inequality in the media industry impacts job satisfaction

    Study uncovers how workplace gender equality curbs experiences of sexual harassment and boosts job satisfaction in the Global South.