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  1. Anti-oligarch measures: The legal problems facing UK government amid seizing of Russian assets

    Anti-oligarch measures: The legal problems facing UK government amid seizing of Russian assets

    Legal expert and Honorary Senior Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Banking Research comments on anti-oligarch measures in the UK.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  2. Digital technology is helping us memorialise the pandemic – despite the government wanting us to forget about it and move on

    Digital technology is helping us memorialise the pandemic – despite the government wanting us to forget about it and move on

    History suggests that pandemics do not end when politicians tell us they are over but when they become objects of cultural forgetting, writes medical historian Dr Mark Honigsbaum.

  3. Staying mindful of mental health at university

    Staying mindful of mental health at university

    City, University of London's Centre for Excellence in Mindfulness Research continues to provide weekly drop-in mindfulness sessions to help our university community look after its mental health.

    Hashtag: Campus life

  4. City’s statement on the invasion of Ukraine

    City’s statement on the invasion of Ukraine

    Our thoughts are with everyone affected by the Russian attack on Ukraine and support is available to all members of the City community.

  5. Professor David Olusoga OBE delivers 2022 Tacitus Lecture

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. Take off for international consultancies as Bayes MBA students support plans for growth

    EMBA students return to Portugal to assist start-ups as part of International Consultancy Week.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  7. Ukraine: how the Russian invasion could derail the fragile world economy

    Ukraine: how the Russian invasion could derail the fragile world economy

    Professor Steve Schifferes from the City Political Economy Research Centre explains how the war in Ukraine could have far-reaching consequences beyond most people’s comprehension.

  8. Somewhere over the rainbow: New study explains why the ‘gay community’ has fallen apart

    Research at Bayes shows that fading anti-gay stigma has fuelled the disintegration of the gay community and given rise to new gay lifestyles that compete for respect.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  9. Ukraine and the failure of the United Nations Security Council

    Ukraine and the failure of the United Nations Security Council

    The current conflict in Ukraine has revealed the extraordinary failure of the UN Security Council to live up to its primary responsibility to maintain international peace and security.

  10. Political tension with Russia should provide incentive for more resilient UK energy infrastructure, says commodities expert

    Bayes Business School professor says gas supply sanctions are not sustainable in the long run.

    Hashtag: Expert comment