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  1. 9/11 inspired an outpouring of classical music – too much of it thoughtless and emotionless

    9/11 inspired an outpouring of classical music – too much of it thoughtless and emotionless

    Dr Ian Pace discusses the array of compositions supposedly inspired by 9/11

  2. Bayes tops Financial Times Masters in Management rankings for alumni career progression in London

    Bayes Business School’s MSc Management programme achieves strong result in latest international rankings.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  3. New study finds focusing on the present during pandemic can reduce chance of longer-term mental health impact

    New study, led by Bayes Business School, explores how changes in social roles have caused heightened inauthenticity.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  4. Rishi Sunak’s fight to raise taxes to reform social care is nothing compared to financial battles ahead

    Rishi Sunak’s fight to raise taxes to reform social care is nothing compared to financial battles ahead

    Professor Steve Schifferes from City, University of London's Department of International Politics assesses the problems ahead for the Chancellor.

  5. Focusing on career development at City’s School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Focusing on career development at City’s School of Health & Psychological Sciences

    Focusing on career development at City, University of London's School of Health & Psychological Sciences.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. Scholarship supporting next generation of insurance professionals in memory of terror attack victims

    A group of insurance industry executives' started the London Insurance Market Charitable Trust post 9/11 for students to learn and succeed at Bayes Business School.

    Hashtags: Expert comment, announcements

  7. Supply trouble for retailers shows no sign of slowing ahead of Christmas, warn experts

    Academics at Bayes Business School say solution to worldwide chain-flow disruption may be moving production sites to UK

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  8. Being an anti-Beyonce: Challenging outdated working cultures will result in improved productivity and happiness

    Employers and employees should confront antiquated working conventions to reduce the likelihood of burnout and encourage a deeper understanding of how to judge productivity and success.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  9. City, University of London's Business School becomes Bayes Business School

    From today, the School formerly known as Cass Business School officially becomes Bayes Business School

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. Twitter’s design stokes hostility and controversy. Here’s why, and how it might change

    Twitter’s design stokes hostility and controversy. Here’s why, and how it might change

    Twitter’s design leaves no space for conflict resolution, but it doesn’t have to be that way according to new research.

    Hashtag: Research study