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  1. Jaguar’s electric car target should be applauded, but the challenges are many and varied

    Professors ManMohan Sodhi and Paolo Aversa offer insight into Jaguar's aim to go electric by 2025, and warn of the challenges posed by technology giants and the UK market

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  2. Meet Kiara Goodwin

    Meet Kiara Goodwin, Full-time MBA student and Global Women's Leadership Programme Scholar. A seasoned PR professional, she has a passion for storytelling with social purpose

    Hashtag: Announcements

  3. Business School MBA student wins WCIB prize

    Natalia Lopez scoops annual award for international banking dissertation

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  4. Mental health disorders and alcohol misuse more common in LGB people

    Mental health disorders and alcohol misuse more common in LGB people

    Lesbian, gay and bisexual people are significantly more likely to have mental health conditions and report alcohol and drug misuse than heterosexual people according to a new study

    Hashtag: Research study

  5. First ever UK Hotel Investment and Lending Report published

    Real Estate Research Centre publishes first ever detailed report into the hotel investment and lending market.

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  6. Save the date! Five top tips to revive your dating game

    Dr Janina Steinmetz gives her five tips for online daters ahead of Valentine's Day in lockdown

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  7. Watch and learn: Learning by observation reduces cognitive bias, research suggests

    New Business School research uncovers the effectiveness of debiasing by observing others

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  8. The scourge of disinformation on social media

    City, University of London has hosted a panel discussion on the rise of disinformation on social media platforms, to mark the launch of a new book co-written by a Department of Sociology academic.

  9. How we identify: a critical moment in levelling the playing field

    As the Business School (formerly Cass) considers its own identity, experts from the Global Women's Leadership Programme discuss the big issues facing society when it comes to ensuring equality.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  10. Antipsychotic prescriptions rising much faster than psychosis rates

    Antipsychotic prescriptions rising much faster than psychosis rates

    Study from City, University of London and UCL researchers suggests there could be many reasons for a doubling in antipsychotic prescription rates in recent years.

    Hashtag: Research study