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  1. Taking the leap: Q-Step student Miles Johnson wants to use quants to solve social issues

    Taking the leap: Q-Step student Miles Johnson wants to use quants to solve social issues

    Miles Johnson (BSc Sociology with Quantitative Methods) shares his experiences of the nationally renowned Q-Step programme designed to train students in quantitative methods.

    Hashtag: Student success

  2. Bayes Business School marks COP28 with event on decarbonising shipping

    Bayes Business School marks COP28 with event on decarbonising shipping

    Experts consider how the sector can be supported to cut greenhouse gas emissions

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  3. Bayes Business School academics recognised for exceptional contributions

    Bayes Business School academics recognised for exceptional contributions

    Promotions highlight faculty members’ impact on research and teaching.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. Improving biodiversity and helping to combat waste in our community

    Improving biodiversity and helping to combat waste in our community

    City students and staff support community projects as part of the University’s Sustainable City Week.

    Hashtag: City Global Goals

  5. Conference offers spark of creativity as AI tsunami flows into business world

    Conference offers spark of creativity as AI tsunami flows into business world

    Event explores how businesses can fuse AI technology with creativity to maximise impact and sees launch of service blending tech and Bayes' business expertise

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  6. Foster + Partners, UCL and City, University of London develop VARID toolset for inclusive design

    Foster + Partners, UCL and City, University of London develop VARID toolset for inclusive design

    VARID uses dynamic real-time image processing techniques to mimic a variety of vision loss symptoms

  7. Infra4NextGen: new project to bring EU data together to support youth policy

    Infra4NextGen: new project to bring EU data together to support youth policy

    City’s European Social Survey (ESS ERIC) received European Commission funding to coordinate youth policy and European recovery data project called Infra4NextGen.

  8. City psychologist awarded UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship

    City psychologist awarded UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship

    Dr Dean D'Souza has received £1.8m in funding to investigate how infants adapt to bilingual environments

  9. City human-computer interaction academic awarded £1.6m fellowship by UKRI

    City human-computer interaction academic awarded £1.6m fellowship by UKRI

    Dr Sara Heitlinger awarded UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship to support her More-than-Human Sustainable and Inclusive Smart Cities (MoSaIC) research.

    Hashtag: Research news

  10. Bayes experts reflect on climate change impact and the COP process

    Bayes experts reflect on climate change impact and the COP process

    Bayes academics talk about what their research – and first hand experience of COPs – has them thinking about with COP28 well underway

    Hashtag: Expert comment