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  1. Leading Professional People: Bayes expert launches third series of successful leadership podcast

    Leading Professional People: Bayes expert launches third series of successful leadership podcast

    Bayes Professor in the Management of Professional Service Firms, Laura Empson, co-hosts new series with Tony Hall, former Director General of the BBC.

    Hashtags: Expert comment, announcements

  2. Onassis Prizes 2023 laureates announced

    Onassis Prizes 2023 laureates announced

    World-leading academics receive grants for their outstanding contributions to the fields of Finance, International Trade, and Shipping

    Hashtag: Announcements

  3. Elite cycling has a safety problem, says new study

    Elite cycling has a safety problem, says new study

    Bayes-led study suggests that professional cycling has to address its safety culture, not just doping

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  4. Smoking ban not enough to achieve Government’s healthy life expectancy target, says study

    Smoking ban not enough to achieve Government’s healthy life expectancy target, says study

    Paper finds that smoking remains a major cause of health inequalities in England

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  5. European real estate market facing toughest year post Global Financial Crisis

    Report finds that financing activities are currently advancing at subdued levels, accompanied by elevated loan costs

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  6. Supply chain papers named among most influential of the past 30 years

    Supply chain papers named among most influential of the past 30 years

    Studies included in Production and Operations Management's list of top 150 most influential studies

    Hashtag: Announcements

  7. Bayes courses rank highly in both The Guardian University Guide 2024 and The Times Good University Guide 2024

    Bayes courses rank highly in both The Guardian University Guide 2024 and The Times Good University Guide 2024

    The School improves positions nationally for Marketing, Accounting and Finance programmes

    Hashtag: Announcements

  8. Bayes experts grace the stage at CogX

    Bayes experts grace the stage at CogX

    Panellists discuss some of the pressing issues affecting work and learning at the world's biggest festival of AI and transformational tech

    Hashtag: Announcements

  9. Bayes wins major grant funding for national clean maritime research hub

    Bayes wins major grant funding for national clean maritime research hub

    School celebrates share of £7.4m grant from EPSRC and DfT

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. Bayes ranks 3rd in the UK and 41st globally in Financial Times MSc in Management Ranking 2023

    Bayes ranks 3rd in the UK and 41st globally in Financial Times MSc in Management Ranking 2023

    School also comes 1st globally for alumni career progress for MSc in Management programme

    Hashtag: Announcements