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  1. New collaboration to explore opportunities for data collection

    New collaboration to explore opportunities for data collection

    ESRC launches Survey Futures collaboration to evaluate future challenges and opportunities for survey data collection in the UK.

  2. Welcome to our mindful community

    Welcome to our mindful community

    The online, drop-in mindfulness sessions from the Centre for Excellence in Mindfulness Research (CEMR) at City, University of London, help our community look after its mental health.

    Hashtag: Campus life

  3. City alumna wins prestigious music award for educational programme

    City alumna wins prestigious music award for educational programme

    Maria Kramvi has been honoured with the Parsons Music Advocacy Award for her programme “Rhythm of Change”.

  4. Named and ashamed – do eponymous business owners seek to avoid full financial disclosure  

    Named and ashamed – do eponymous business owners seek to avoid full financial disclosure  

    A new study asks whether owners of businesses that bear their name are more reticent about the transparent disclosure of company finances

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  5. Marking and Assessment Boycott Update

    Marking and Assessment Boycott Update

    Update on the marking and assessment boycott, part of the dispute over the outcome of the national pay negotiations for 2022/23.

  6. City’s MSc Artificial Intelligence alumni cohorts host first post-pandemic reunion

    City’s MSc Artificial Intelligence alumni cohorts host first post-pandemic reunion

    The get-together is an opportunity for alumni to network and discuss how the programme has influenced their careers.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  7. Leading M&A conference hosted by Bayes

    Leading M&A conference hosted by Bayes

    World's largest academic conference dedicated to mergers and acquisitions (MA) returns to Bayes Business School

    Hashtag: Announcements

  8. How streaming platforms make you more likely to watch certain programmes – new research

    How streaming platforms make you more likely to watch certain programmes – new research

    Dr Neil Thurman, Senior Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Communication & Creativity writes for The Conversation about the likelihood of watching certain programmes on streaming platforms.

  9. Professor Jason Chuah’s Encyclopaedia of Banking Law cited in recent Privy Council ruling

    Professor Jason Chuah’s Encyclopaedia of Banking Law cited in recent Privy Council ruling

    The City Law School Professor’s work was mentioned in a dispute regarding an increase in the cost of insurance.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. New study reveals best words for brand slogans

    New study reveals best words for brand slogans

    Study sheds light for the first time on the trade-offs that brands face when crafting a new slogan

    Hashtag: Research spotlight