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  1. New Bayes European lending report finds that borrowers are paying up to 6% all-in interest for loans on prime European properties

    New Bayes European lending report finds that borrowers are paying up to 6% all-in interest for loans on prime European properties

    Bayes European Commercial Real Estate Lending Report shows bank and lender loan activity up to February 2023.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  2. Taking advantage of a crisis: The upside of investment banks in supporting failing banks

    Taking advantage of a crisis: The upside of investment banks in supporting failing banks

    Bayes Business School financial experts explore why UBS and HSBC are helping Credit Suisse and Silicon Valley Bank.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  3. Poor leadership, weak banks, lost bonds: Experts respond to latest in banking crisis

    Poor leadership, weak banks, lost bonds: Experts respond to latest in banking crisis

    Bayes Business School finance experts respond to the rising gold prices, debt cancellations, and bailouts in the world of banking.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  4. Support for banks is encouraging but future is unclear, says finance expert

    Support for banks is encouraging but future is unclear, says finance expert

    Bayes Business School banking leader discusses the turmoil of Credit Suisse this week.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  5. Striking a deal for European football clubs

    Striking a deal for European football clubs

    Why do people buy football clubs and what makes a successful owner or ownership group?

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  6. The story of Silicon Valley Bank: The future of tech and the role of risk managers and regulators

    The story of Silicon Valley Bank: The future of tech and the role of risk managers and regulators

    Academics at Bayes Business School discuss the collapse of SVB and the reasons behind its dramatic fall.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  7. China’s grip on global supply chains is slipping, but are there any alternatives?

    China’s grip on global supply chains is slipping, but are there any alternatives?

    A Bayes Business School expert in operations and a former US diplomat discuss the future of global manufacturing and trading in light of current geopolitics with The Economist in a Money Talks podcast.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  8. Almost 40 per cent of adults are economically inactive: How governments are ignoring the UK’s human potential

    Almost 40 per cent of adults are economically inactive: How governments are ignoring the UK’s human potential

    New research highlights the impact of long-term illness, skills gap and a lack of workers on the UK labour market.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  9. Effectively promoting creative opportunities and positive values can unlock the potential in our prisons

    Effectively promoting creative opportunities and positive values can unlock the potential in our prisons

    Professor Rosie Meek's Portal Trust Education Lecture discussed how physical activity and transformational learning can help make prisons healthier and safer.

    Hashtags: Expert comment, research spotlight

  10. Bayes Business School launches its Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Council

    Bayes Business School launches its Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Council

    The new Council will help develop and implement Bayes' DEI strategy.

    Hashtag: Announcements