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  1. As she becomes PM, what next for ‘survivor’ Liz Truss?

    As she becomes PM, what next for ‘survivor’ Liz Truss?

    Dr Gwilym David Blunt comments on Liz Truss winning the Conservative Party leadership contest.

  2. Risk of rejecting conspiracy theories could play key role in their propagation in Western society

    Risk of rejecting conspiracy theories could play key role in their propagation in Western society

    New research from City, University of London suggests that our brains weigh up factors including our own personal experience, what the media tells us, and the expected cost to us, when deciding whethe

    Hashtag: Research study

  3. ‘Parent-centred’ approach to medical imaging can enhance emotional connection to the unborn baby during pregnancy.

    ‘Parent-centred’ approach to medical imaging can enhance emotional connection to the unborn baby during pregnancy.

    Systematic review from City, University of London finds that parents value working collaboratively with sonographers and rely on their expertise to learn about and connect with their unborn baby..

    Hashtag: Research study

  4. An interview with Sarah Haque

    An interview with Sarah Haque

    A profile of the City alumna and writer, in the wake of her six-page investigative feature in the Financial Times which lifted the lid on the taboo subject of domestic abuse by police officers.

  5. An Audio-Visual Exhibition of the Indigenous Peoples responding to COVID-19 in Brazil (PARI-c) project

    An Audio-Visual Exhibition of the Indigenous Peoples responding to COVID-19 in Brazil (PARI-c) project

    A screening of the short film by the Guarani-Mbyá Indigenous filmmaker, Kuaray Ariel Ortega, and anthropologist, Bruno Huyer, formed part of novel exhibition at City, University of London

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. New fathers felt isolated by maternity restrictions, but bonded better with baby during pandemic, study finds

    New fathers felt isolated by maternity restrictions, but bonded better with baby during pandemic, study finds

    City, University of London study suggests COVID-19 restrictions excluding fathers from aspects of maternity care made them feel isolated, but longer-term bonding was helped by pandemic conditions.

    Hashtag: Research study

  7. Family fortunes: new research unpicks capital structures of small family firms in developing countries

    Family fortunes: new research unpicks capital structures of small family firms in developing countries

    Size of firm and country of incorporation found to be strongest determinants of debt financing in developing nations.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  8. Parents adopt unhealthy food routines for family wellbeing in place of unaffordable activities, study finds

    Parents adopt unhealthy food routines for family wellbeing in place of unaffordable activities, study finds

    City, University of London study suggests that low-income parents in England buy unhealthy food influenced by non-food aspects of wellbeing that they are unable to provide their families.

    Hashtag: Research study

  9. Study with military suggests ‘blended’ individual and team mindfulness is at least as effective as standard mindfulness training

    Study with military suggests ‘blended’ individual and team mindfulness is at least as effective as standard mindfulness training

    City, University of London led study suggests team mindfulness training could offer more benefit than mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) alone.

    Hashtag: Research study

  10. Bayes research highlights sustainability and climate change during performance of The Lehman Trilogy

    Bayes research highlights sustainability and climate change during performance of The Lehman Trilogy

    Professor Bobby Banerjee worked with Swedish director Carolina Frände to feature in acclaimed performance of the show.

    Hashtag: Announcements