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  1. Connection, care and solidarity: imagining a queer utopia in higher education

    Connection, care and solidarity: imagining a queer utopia in higher education

    City’s new Office for Institutional Equity and Inclusion hosted an LGBTQ+ History Month event to imagine a queer utopia and explore how LGBTQIA+ people can thrive in universities.

  2. Taking advantage of a crisis: The upside of investment banks in supporting failing banks

    Taking advantage of a crisis: The upside of investment banks in supporting failing banks

    Bayes Business School financial experts explore why UBS and HSBC are helping Credit Suisse and Silicon Valley Bank.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  3. A litmus test for international justice: If not for the Yazidis, then for whom?

    A litmus test for international justice: If not for the Yazidis, then for whom?

    The City Law School’s Dr Aldo Zammit Borda says states such as the United Kingdom, should consider broadening the scope of their universal jurisdiction provisions.

    Hashtag: Research study

  4. An international battle over cheese has left European producers feeling bitter

    An international battle over cheese has left European producers feeling bitter

    The US gruyere cheese case highlights the difference between the ways Europeans and Americans regulate geographical names of traditional foods.

    Hashtag: Research study

  5. City launches Centre for Law and Criminal Justice Research

    City launches Centre for Law and Criminal Justice Research

    Baroness Helena Kennedy KC, one of Britain's most distinguished lawyers, delivers the Centre's inaugural address.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. Poor leadership, weak banks, lost bonds: Experts respond to latest in banking crisis

    Poor leadership, weak banks, lost bonds: Experts respond to latest in banking crisis

    Bayes Business School finance experts respond to the rising gold prices, debt cancellations, and bailouts in the world of banking.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  7. British public back ban on selling junk foods at checkouts, study shows

    British public back ban on selling junk foods at checkouts, study shows

    More than 100 people across the UK’s food supply chain were interviewed for the study by the University of Southampton and City.

    Hashtag: Research study

  8. Why so few UK homes are installing air-source heat pumps – and how to encourage takeup

    Why so few UK homes are installing air-source heat pumps – and how to encourage takeup

    Heat pump sales in the UK are lagging behind the rest of Europe. City's Professor Emmanuel Pothos and Visiting Tutor, Lee White, describe the psychology that may help explain why.

    Hashtag: Research news

  9. Support for banks is encouraging but future is unclear, says finance expert

    Support for banks is encouraging but future is unclear, says finance expert

    Bayes Business School banking leader discusses the turmoil of Credit Suisse this week.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  10. Confidence is a cult: wishing you an angry International Women’s Day

    Confidence is a cult: wishing you an angry International Women’s Day

    City’s Professor Rosalind Gill and LSE’s Professor Shani Orgad deliver International Women’s Day lecture on ‘confidence culture’.