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  1. Bayes experts ready to bring their research and experience to bear as COP28 gets underway

    Bayes experts ready to bring their research and experience to bear as COP28 gets underway

    Bayes academics have been researching a breadth of issues around climate change so are well-placed to observe events and agreements around COP28 with an informed eye.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  2. Leasehold reform: why UK government’s plans could make housing less affordable and less fair

    Dr Mark Andrew writes for The Conversation about how the government's leasehold reforms may have unintended negative consequences.

    Hashtags: Expert comment, research spotlight

  3. Greenwashing accusations will subside if Manchester United are successful, says Bayes M&A expert

    Greenwashing accusations will subside if Manchester United are successful, says Bayes M&A expert

    Dr Naaguesh Appadu comments on Sir Jim Ratcliffe’s prospective purchase of shares in Manchester United.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  4. Government's leasehold reform plans could increase property prices, says study

    Government's leasehold reform plans could increase property prices, says study

    Findings of the study contradict the Government's current policies on promoting housing affordability and levelling up

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  5. The name game: CEOs with favourable surnames receive higher pay

    The name game: CEOs with favourable surnames receive higher pay

    New Bayes study shows significant effects on bosses’ remuneration if they have a ‘favourable’ surname.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  6. Toby Young delivers annual Contrarian Prize Lecture at Bayes Business School

    Toby Young delivers annual Contrarian Prize Lecture at Bayes Business School

    Social commentator discusses the effects of suppression of freedom of speech

    Hashtag: Announcements

  7. Creating collaborations: sharing learning to strengthen VCSE and health and care commissioning

    Creating collaborations: sharing learning to strengthen VCSE and health and care commissioning

    One-day event also marked the launch of the findings from a three-year NIHR-funded study into VCSE and health and care commissioning relationships

    Hashtag: Announcements

  8. World-leading academics recognised with presentation of Onassis Prizes 2023

    World-leading academics recognised with presentation of Onassis Prizes 2023

    Professor Darrell Duffie, Professor Marc Melitz, and Professor Siri Pettersen Strandenes were awarded this year's Onassis Prizes for outstanding contributions to the fields of Finance, International Trade and Shipping

    Hashtag: Announcements

  9. Bayes’ Full-time MBA climbs three places globally in entrepreneurship rankings

    Bayes’ Full-time MBA climbs three places globally in entrepreneurship rankings

    The annual ranking by Poets Quants draws on data provided by global business schools for 16 metrics

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. Bayes Professor wins international recognition for book on the power of expertise

    Bayes Professor wins international recognition for book on the power of expertise

    Professor of Leadership wins prestigious award for her book Credible.

    Hashtags: Expert comment, announcements