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  1. City launches new student employability programme

    City launches new student employability programme

    City is among the first UK universities to make both career-focused modules and professional experience mandatory parts of undergraduate courses

  2. Learning on the road: MSc Management at the Tate Modern

    Learning on the road: MSc Management at the Tate Modern

    How learning at a London art museum is enhancing the student experience.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  3. Narratives of Denial of Human Rights Violations at the UN Human Rights Council

    Narratives of Denial of Human Rights Violations at the UN Human Rights Council

    The City Law School’s Dr Aldo Zammit Borda comments on the continued ‘invisibility’ of the situation in Xinjiang, China.

    Hashtag: Research study

  4. City, University of London research highlights in 2022

    City, University of London research highlights in 2022

    Top City, University of London research in 2022

  5. Ukraine war: Turkey is the pivot point between Russia and the US – history shows us why

    Ukraine war: Turkey is the pivot point between Russia and the US – history shows us why

    What can Turkey’s history of being a balancing point between western powers and Russia tell us about its present role?

  6. Here’s what Elon Musk’s language teaches us about his ambitions

    Here’s what Elon Musk’s language teaches us about his ambitions

    Professor Petros Iosifidis, Professor in Sociology at City, University of London, unpicks the words the world's richest man uses and why.

  7. Bayes partners with The Brilliant Club to promote equal access to university

    Bayes partners with The Brilliant Club to promote equal access to university

    New three-year partnership will give more than 650 pupils a year the opportunity to experience life at a London university.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  8. City’s Institute for Cyber Security (ICS) to host International Conference on Financial Technology

    City’s Institute for Cyber Security (ICS) to host International Conference on Financial Technology

    Professor Muttukrishnan Rajarajan, the Institute’s Director, shares insights into fintech’s challenges and opportunities.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  9. City, University of London achieves Athena SWAN Bronze Award

    City, University of London achieves Athena SWAN Bronze Award

    City achieves Athena SWAN Bronze Award, which recognises the organisation’s commitment to gender equality.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. City awarded Bronze Award for Race Equality Charter

    City awarded Bronze Award for Race Equality Charter

    Advance, HE recognise City's progress towards race equity with a Bronze Award for Race Equality Charter.

    Hashtag: Announcements