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  1. Professor Tamara Hervey launches new research on 'Brexit, Health, & its Impact on Article 2 of the Ireland/NI Protocol’

    Professor Tamara Hervey launches new research on 'Brexit, Health, & its Impact on Article 2 of the Ireland/NI Protocol’

    The City Law School academic makes several recommendations including the need to correctly implement Withdrawal Agreement obligations to provide healthcare for frontier workers and their families.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  2. Social and governance performances affect institutional ownership in the hospitality and tourism sector

    Social and governance performances affect institutional ownership in the hospitality and tourism sector

    Bayes research uncovers how different dimensions of corporate social responsibility affect institutional ownership in hospitality and tourism.

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  3. City hosts successful 12th Annual London Universities Maritime Law and Policy (LUMLP) Conference

    City hosts successful 12th Annual London Universities Maritime Law and Policy (LUMLP) Conference

    Attendees were drawn from diverse backgrounds including the shipping industry, academia, the UK, Africa, Asia and Europe.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  4. Immediate action must follow Khan Review if UK is to be smoke-free by 2030, says longevity expert

    Bayes professor and International Longevity Centre (ILC) expert praises action of smoking review which will help to reduce health inequalities and improve people's lives.

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  5. Optometry doctoral students and staff reflect on the ARVO Annual Meeting 2022

    Optometry doctoral students and staff reflect on the ARVO Annual Meeting 2022

    Doctoral students and staff from the collaborative programme between City, University of London and the LV Prasad Eye Institute, India, reflect on their participation in the ARVO Annual Meeting 2022.

    Hashtag: Student success

  6. City student wins Student Nurse of the Year: Children

    City student wins Student Nurse of the Year: Children

    Jessica Semedo, final year Children’s Nursing student at City, University of London wins the Student Nurse of the Year award in her category at the Student Nursing Times Awards 2022.

    Hashtag: Student success

  7. Lecturer nominated for prestigious investigative journalism prize

    Lecturer nominated for prestigious investigative journalism prize

    The Department of Journalism’s Susie Boniface is among the shortlist for this year’s Private Eye Paul Foot Award.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  8. Journeys from Bayes: Helping to grow pharma start-ups and novel cures to disease

    Journeys from Bayes: Helping to grow pharma start-ups and novel cures to disease

    Bayes MEMBA graduate discusses the value of understanding business and innovation.

    Hashtag: Graduate success

  9. Have girls been left behind during the pandemic?

    Have girls been left behind during the pandemic?

    New research reveals gender differences in the Covid-19 pandemic’s effect on children’s mental wellbeing.

    Hashtag: Research study

  10. Cuttlefish: Chameleons of the sea

    Cuttlefish: Chameleons of the sea

    Study from City, University of London and others suggests that European cuttlefish use a more complex strategy than previously thought to camouflage themselves within underwater surroundings.