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  1. Is the US banking crisis over?

    Is the US banking crisis over?

    Alexandros Skouralis, from Bayes Business School, and George Kladakis, from Edinburgh Napier University, discuss whether the crisis is really over in The Conversation

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  2. UK ranked as the top investment destination in Europe by M&A Attractiveness Index Score

    UK ranked as the top investment destination in Europe by M&A Attractiveness Index Score

    Despite Brexit headwinds, research from Bayes Business School shows that the UK remains an attractive investment proposition

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  3. Turbulent times leading middle classes to embrace digital nomadism and reject traditional aspirations

    Turbulent times leading middle classes to embrace digital nomadism and reject traditional aspirations

    Paper is the first piece of work to capture this paradoxical shift in what feels secure vs what feels risky and burdensome in consumers' lifestyle choices and consumption behaviours

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  4. Lila Vialat becomes Bayes’ first BSc Business Management with Social Purpose graduate

    Lila Vialat becomes Bayes’ first BSc Business Management with Social Purpose graduate

    Undergraduate student finds purpose and hopes to better the world with her mix of business and charity sector knowledge

  5. New scholarships available for MSc in Corporate Risk Management

    New scholarships available for MSc in Corporate Risk Management

    The Institute of Risk Management (IRM) Educational Foundation will support two students at Bayes Business School

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. Bayes experts to speak at CogX Festival

    Bayes experts to speak at CogX Festival

    Join us at CogX and hear from Bayes experts at the world's biggest festival of inspiration, impact and transformational change

    Hashtag: Announcements

  7. Bayes PhD fellow wins Academy of Management award

    Bayes PhD fellow wins Academy of Management award

    Sukrit Vinayavekhin received the Best Student Paper Award at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management

    Hashtag: Announcements

  8. Bootcamps can help people switch careers, says study

    Bootcamps can help people switch careers, says study

    New paper finds that learning collectives such as bootcamps can facilitate entry into many skilled occupations

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  9. Days of cheap finance are over and won’t be returning any time soon, says Bayes expert

    Days of cheap finance are over and won’t be returning any time soon, says Bayes expert

    Professor Andrew Clare comments on the Bank of England's decision to raise rates to 5.25%

    Hashtag: Expert comment

  10. Sport Sparks signs up Sunderland AFC

    Sport Sparks signs up Sunderland AFC

    App uses generative AI to support a guided creative problem-solving process

    Hashtag: Announcements