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  1. Bayes PhD fellow wins Academy of Management award

    Bayes PhD fellow wins Academy of Management award

    Sukrit Vinayavekhin received the Best Student Paper Award at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management

    Hashtag: Announcements

  2. City ranked in the top 10 across a number of subject areas in the National Student Survey 2023

    City ranked in the top 10 across a number of subject areas in the National Student Survey 2023

    We recieved excellent feedback for our subjects including Engineering, Health and English.

  3. “US electoral processes, campaigns and counting of votes have all been cast into doubt”

    “US electoral processes, campaigns and counting of votes have all been cast into doubt”

    Professor of International Politics comments on the fourth set of charges brought against former president of the United States.

  4. Bootcamps can help people switch careers, says study

    Bootcamps can help people switch careers, says study

    New paper finds that learning collectives such as bootcamps can facilitate entry into many skilled occupations

    Hashtag: Research spotlight

  5. Creating a more sustainable food system for the city of Sheffield

    Creating a more sustainable food system for the city of Sheffield

    The Centre for Food Policy’s Dr Christopher Yap is a lead author of the new Local Food Action Plan for Sheffield.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  6. Vice Admiral Duncan Potts to deliver keynote address at STEM Alumni Awards ceremony

    Vice Admiral Duncan Potts to deliver keynote address at STEM Alumni Awards ceremony

    He has received an Honorary Doctorate from City and is the former Director General of the UK Defence Academy, Former Assistant Chief of Naval Staff and Former Controller of the Navy.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  7. City’s Criminal Justice and Human Rights Centre launches its inaugural Advisory Board

    City’s Criminal Justice and Human Rights Centre launches its inaugural Advisory Board

    The Advisory Board will play a critical role the strategic development of the Centre over the next few years.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  8. Dr Mithileysh Sathiyanarayanan is the recipient of the ‘Excellence in STEM Achievement Award'

    Dr Mithileysh Sathiyanarayanan is the recipient of the ‘Excellence in STEM Achievement Award'

    He is the CEO of MIT Square based in Bangalore, India.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  9. Professor Dame Wendy Hall is the recipient of the 2023 ‘STEM Alumni Distinguished Award’

    Professor Dame Wendy Hall is the recipient of the 2023 ‘STEM Alumni Distinguished Award’

    Dame Wendy Hall has also received an MSc in Computer Science and an Honorary Doctorate from City in 1986 and 2013 respectively.

    Hashtag: Announcements

  10. The City Law School hosts Ninth Biennial Conference on Applied Legal Storytelling

    The City Law School hosts Ninth Biennial Conference on Applied Legal Storytelling

    Topics ranged from the ethics of applied legal storytelling, narratives of professional identities and reflection, race-salient language and indigenous rights and sovereignty.

    Hashtag: Announcements